lame(ADJ) If someone lame, they are unable to walk properly because of damage to one or both of their legs.E.X: She is lame after that accident.upgrade “upgrades, upgrading, upgraded”(VERB, =improve) If you upgrade something, you change it in order to improve it.E.X: Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.quid(N-COUNT) A quid is a pound in money.E.X: You should pay two thousand five hundred quid.maintenance(N-UNCOUNT) The maintenance of a building, vehicle, road or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.E.X: The maintenance of the computers cost one hundred.

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  • i was lame after playing footbal
    some people need to upgrade their brains :D
    EC sometimes is under maintenance and i feel bad when i can't log in
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