willing(ADJ, =/unwilling) Willing is used to describe someone who does something fairly enthusiastically and because they want to do it rather than because they forced to do it.E.X: I’ll marry her willing marriage.hint “hints, hinting, hinted”1. (N-COUNT) A hint is a suggestion about something that is made in an indirect way.E.X: I’m trying to give him a hint about having a baby after one year.2. (VERB) If you hint at something, you suggest it in an indirect way.E.X: He hinted at some changes may happen in the government.gesture “gestures, gesturing, gestured”1. (N-COUNT) A gesture is a movement that you make with a part of your body, especially your hand, to express emotion or information.E.X: What body language or gestures do you use when you meet someone new? Do you hug or shake hands?2. (VERB) If you gesture, you use movements of your hands or head in order to tell someone something or draw their attention to something.E.X: I gestured towards the house, and he looked inside.contractor “contractors”(N-COUNT) A contractor is a person or company that does work for other people or organization.E.X: I work with a general electric as a contractor.interpreter “interpreters”(N-COUNT) An interpreter is a person whose job is to translate what someone is saying into another language.E.X: I was able to get a job as an interpreter of the English language.

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  • ultimately, the interpreter willing to give training with gesture as hinted to all the expatriate contractors.

    skoon, many thanks as always dear.

  • she hinted to talk softly with the handsome boy to make him love her :p
    i gestured to the girl to becareful on her bag becos the thief was behind her
    she work with the company wich is contractor with air bus
    skoon is studing hard in order to be interpreter in a big company of oil and gaz
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