Puzzle 2 (R), It is solved!

It is a countable noun, and it has 4 letters.


**An area of small spots on your skin, caused by an illness or an allergic reaction to something you have touched, eaten, etc.

Synonym:  skin eruption, spots


Poison ivy _ _ _ _

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  • rash ?
    • Well done!

      Was this your question that you took a permission for?!!


    • Oh, this was my answer! :)
  • I have no idea!
    • Do you know what is the fact, SKoon?

      You can answer hard words easily!

      I must pay attention to this fact more!!

    • Oh, really!

      In fact I would like to ask you a question.

      Will you allow me?


    • Here you are!
    • What is your way in writing new words in your notebook?

      Do you jot them down alphabetically? Or by their part of speech? Or maybe by organizing them in groups "sports, interest, body, shopping, etc"? 

      How do you usually study vocabulary and memorize them?

    • I always memorize them in the class!

      We have a mini-dictionary and I'm writting according to it.

      Because we don't practice some of its words in the class, so I'm memorizing them in thi way with all of ou, my dear friends here.

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