Puzzle 1 (D), It is solved!

It is an adjective, and it has 5 letters.


**Unable to think clearly or understand what is happening because you are surprised, tired, or have been hit on the head.


Survivors waited for the rescue boats,  _ _ _ _ _ and frightened.

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  • "dazzled" i guess.forgive my ignorance,dear Sahar because i thought that"puzzle D" was just a kind of numbering no more.thanks for the info,anyway.
    • Thank you, dear lama.

      Yes it is very close to the answer, but it has 5 letters, you should delete 2 letters from your answer.

      Let me join you in answering:

      Dazzled => Dazed

      Now, we have the right answer!

      Thank you, lama for your answer.

  • "shocked" i guess but without counting the "ed" inflection.
    • No, Iama!

      When I write "Puzzle (D)", it means that this word is starting with "D".

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