Should you have a bad day at work; Think of the man who has been out of work for yearsShould you despair over a relationship gone bad; Think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in returnShould you grieve the passing of another weekend; Think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her childrenShould your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance; Think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; Think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness,ignorance, smallness or insecurities; Remember, things could be worse. You could be one of themShould you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you, you may have touched their life in ways you will never know!

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  • My dear Zahra ,

    First , thanx alot for your words ,i totally feel disable to discribe how thankless we are . we should feel how we are lucky that we have a good health , good life in front of the others pain and suffering . We always complain because a small bad things and forget that there is alot of big things we should be aware to , not a food , a trip , a car , a house , money , no no no
    there are alot of things we should think of , to feel , to see arround us , but always remmber to see the bright side and look to the full part of the cup ..

    Thanx Zuzu for your feelings throughwards Gaza children and our bad condition , but they have a strong spirit which is higher than alot of people

    Have happy times

    Zahra said:
    Hi dear Saso ...
    thanks a lot for reminding me how thankless i am before my Lord...i thought i do sympathize with the ones who don't have what i have,but when i look deeply at my life ,i see what i do is just nagging and being greedy to have what i wish...what a selfish girl i am...i hope for a big change in my attitude toward life ...
    i am just sometimes cry when i face those in needs,those who are ill,those who have cancer,those who have no shelter;but crying is nothing...i should LIVE for them...i should make the most of what i have to help others;to be useful;i should study hard;i should sleep less; i should care for others;i should be thankful to God for i have everything;a peaceful life, health,a shelter,and nice friends and relatives;i have the mercy of God;i have a beautiful universe around full of flowers and fresh air..once when i was nagging about my life ,one of my friends asked me if i don't have fresh air to breathe!if i don't have health!
    how thankless i am....
    today when i looked at the pics you shared in "members cafe" in which some kids were in loss of electricity in Gaza ,and when i compared them to the pics of my own country ,i realized how thankless i am ...thanks for reminding me that my problems are not problems at all...

    thanks Saso for your nice and wise sentences...
  • Hello francesco ,

    sure , we should feel others pain ,but also we should live without thinking og bad things and results . we should always think positively

    francesco said:
    It would be easy for everyone to live without suffering, it is so important to not give up our hopes, thinking also to those people in africa dying for food.
  • Hello Riya ,

    Thats right , alot of peole think just like that
    They are looking to the empty part of the cup not the full , so they live thier lives suffering

    Thanx friend for passing her

    RIYA said:
    Hi saso
    we always think about our own suffering and problem.but there are many people in the world who suffer more then us.
    great thought.
    thanks for sharing
    have a great day
  • Hi dear Saso ...
    thanks a lot for reminding me how thankless i am before my Lord...i thought i do sympathize with the ones who don't have what i have,but when i look deeply at my life ,i see what i do is just nagging and being greedy to have what i wish...what a selfish girl i am...i hope for a big change in my attitude toward life ...
    i am just sometimes cry when i face those in needs,those who are ill,those who have cancer,those who have no shelter;but crying is nothing...i should LIVE for them...i should make the most of what i have to help others;to be useful;i should study hard;i should sleep less; i should care for others;i should be thankful to God for i have everything;a peaceful life, health,a shelter,and nice friends and relatives;i have the mercy of God;i have a beautiful universe around full of flowers and fresh air..once when i was nagging about my life ,one of my friends asked me if i don't have fresh air to breathe!if i don't have health!
    how thankless i am....
    today when i looked at the pics you shared in "members cafe" in which some kids were in loss of electricity in Gaza ,and when i compared them to the pics of my own country ,i realized how thankless i am ...thanks for reminding me that my problems are not problems at all...

    thanks Saso for your nice and wise sentences...
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