
  • well....i wonder what heart is !!! source of my feelings? source of love or hatred?
    if it is filled with the one and only love without any single condition,then it is said that it is the most precious ....if it has become dirty.....!!!! how does it get dirty???!!!

    i don't know ,dear Emi...
    you know the heart itself is nothing is a containr i guess and it is up to us to limit it or make an infinity out of is a container with an unknown capacity and unknown characteristics....but naaaaaaaa!!!! i don't know ....then who is a baby with such a soft heart????again what is heart????!!!

    heart is unique depending on individuals is one thing in all of us,isn't it? but why it is said to be different? because of its unknown capacity????!!!

    what is heart? is it really great ...

    i really admire the way Mir J analyzed your question ...i see that he has highlighted the word "who" in your question...really nicely you've made that question...
    maybe it means that the WHO we are is just summarized in the HEART we have ......
    then is heart the same as soul????then what is soul?????

    does heart have a figure and location ???? nope,it is divine...incredible ....but the way we treat it is we respect it as a sacred creature ????

    i know nothing....i really don't know...speechless!!!!

    have a sweet life:))))
  • really ... not easy to have a great heart, requires a long process to get it all
    thanks for good topic

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