How to Realize Your True Potential

How to Realize Your True Potential

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Every human being, regardless of race, sex or spiritual belief, has the incredible capacity to accomplish far beyond their wildest dreams!


  1. Unlearn what you have learned - We all have fantastic dreams of accomplishing what many adults believe to be unrealistic. Growing up, these dreams no longer seem possible. Cast off concrete beliefs about what is possible.
  2. Consider your ideas about your talents and capabilities - These beliefs were suggested to you by society. Identify beliefs that inhibit your career. Stop allow these beliefs to govern you or your capabilities. Insert new convictions and beliefs that do not impose limits on your talents. Use the power in your subconscious mind, and master it over time with self-suggestion, hypnotism and constant positive input.
  3. Realize what it is you have - Your brain is a very capable machine, appreciate it and use it.
  4. Aim High! Dream Big! Think un-realistically! - The people who have achieved the most in their lives were those who had big plans and ideas and who were able to cast off the negativity of other people. You simply have to not care anymore about what others think and, to quote Nike, " Just do it ".
  5. Focus on what you can do - People fail because they immediately fasten their attention to the negative. Change your thinking and work the part of your plan you can, do everything you can!
  6. Shield yourself from negativity - If you are in a negative environment, get out! If you have negative friends, drop them. What is in your mind is more valuable than all the gold in Fort Knox, so protect it!
  7. Remember where you came from - and you will know where you want to go.
  8. Always appreciate everything - Even if you feel like something could be negative, realise that there is no right or wrong way to do something. Be thankful for your mistakes, and let them go as opportunities to learn.
  9. Enjoy the moment. Live the moment. Forget the future or the past.
  10. Constantly give yourself positive messages and support - Listen to self-help audio, read books and keep company that is positive. Hang up positive quotes and messages everywhere; in your office, at your home, in your car.
  11. Never quit - Thomas Edison's most outstanding quality is the same thing that made him a success; it was not that he was so much smarter than everyone, it was just that he never quit. It took 10,000 failures to make the light bulb. Never quit.


  • Improve yourself step by step and set realistic goals, you can't expect to turn into Thomas Edison in a fortnight, but at least know that you have become a better person.


  • Never get too down if you cannot complete all the steps listed here, instead focus on other aspects of your life you can improve, and live in the moment. Life is continuous improving, and also living.

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  • You are more than welcome dear Nadiyah! It is really important to know what potential we all have.
    Thanks for reading the article.

    Have a wonderful day/night
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