It is said we have an awesome power that, unfortunately, most of us have never been taught to use effectively. Elite athletes use it. The super rich use it. And peak performers in all fields now use it. This power is called visualization.The daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already completed can really accelerate our achievement of those dreams, goals and ambitions. Visualization of our goals and desires accomplishes four very important things.- It activates our creative subconscious which will start generating creativeideas to achieve your goal.- It programs our brain to more readily perceive and recognize the resourceswe will need to achieve your dreams.- It activates the law of attraction, there by drawing into our life the people,resources, and circumstances we will need to achieve your goals.What about writting down our goals so they look more concrete ! Are you among those people who thinks it should help to achieve them ?I am sending you all a bunch of red roses.Forget-me-not

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