
what is prejudice?

Do you think it is good or bad ?

For example prejudice to religion is good ?


We must judge about evrythings far from any prejudice.

Actually , does it have usage in our real life?

Our life in the world far from any prejudice is not better ?

Can we have a peace world with prejudice or not ?

Basically , what is the root of all of problems in the world ?

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  • I wish we could tussle together without we be sad .

    I wish we could tussle and accept other ideas.

    I wish we could learn to respect to other ideas .

    I wish we could be like brothers and sisters together in the world

    I wish we could be lover others without any sorrow




    Can we had  a good dream or romantic world ?!



    • All wishes need a time to be started.

      Let's start it just now.

    • I think the poem of Mahgol is true !

      I mean everyone that know and he knows that know ......

  • Dear Mahgol !

    You aren't here !?

    You are so silent!

    Why ?

  • When I saw your discussion’s picture with this sentence(teach this generation …)my mind went to the word discrimination; but now if its refer to تعصب the title completely turned!
    No, I do not agree to learn lose it!!!!!
    It okey, you are right that for example hindose (no difference even ourselves) are following last ancestors wrongly. But showing prejudice to something in its true way definitely is needed. (In a way we call it in Persian غيرت
    It’s not need these days in our cosmos such struggle to clean prejudice away from human, it has been occurring by itself that we hear regularly a dad/a brother raped his daughter/sister!!!
    Such much aggressions, invasions,….Hearing so much easily torn holy books, firing holy places,…are not the results of that prejudice-free????!!!!!!!!
    • Ooohhhhhhhhh

      I want to say exactly this .

      It wasn't mean that we go to wrong way . not at all

      let us to see the world like else.

      Imagin one of your family wants to be peresident.

      If you have prejudice to him/her ,certainly you try to win in vote competition.

      If he/she was the best far from any prjudice , your way is so great .

      But if another person was better than him/her , so you are make a mistake .

      It is not good for progree our country .

      did you undrestand ?

    • so you mean something like partiality!

      surly it's unfair to support false factors!

  • Dear sahar ,

    You don't like to discussion about this topic?

    • Oh!

      I only don't have any other idea about it.

      But I like to follow this discussion.

      Allow me to be just an audience here.

    • Na digeh!!!!?

      We had not this.

      From you I expect that be intellectual. Isn't like it?

      We are educated youth.

      We must give our ideas and we must to challenge some topics.

      We must break superstitions.

      If we don't it , who do this ? General people who afraid  lost of their weak faith!!

      Our task is that  see , listen and survey with our knowledge and get more information and decide .

      In addition we must see from new wiew to cosmos.

      The art is swim agianst cureent water else each died fish can do it.  

      Perhaps god be satisfy from us. 

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