Healthy Wealthy!

   Who is the wealthiest?

What is the relation between healthiness and wealthiness?
Do you remember the essay, which is better, science or affluence?
Now share your ideas, which is the BEST?


Discussion in brief:

Health, science or money which can make you wealthy?!
If science; why there are lots of people although they have great degree, they are not in good sociable life?!
علم چندان كه بيشتر خواني         چون عمل در تو نيست ناداني
If money: why there are people who are rich ,but always nag about life and seems the money can not satisfy us! Who got more ,is poor more!
نيم ناني گر خورد مرد خدا              بذل درويشان كند نيمي دگر
ملك اقليمي بگيرد پادشاه                 همچنان در بند اقليمي دگر
health can be his wealthy.

Ofcourse it is,but imagine a healthy sheep in a big farmland;It is wealthy too; isn’t it?

Surly There is a point that is a very distinctive difference!

Mental faculties 
everybody accepts that ?

Best wealthy is our ability and power to think!

                    Now who is the wealthiest??!

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    • hey ,so you are wealthy dear! haha
    • Am I so much near dear here?! :)



      It was a real science!!

      See, Mahgol!

      I could use your training about one of your games here dear :)

    • Having problem with money is much better than having problem without money.
    • Oh , Dear professor Mahgol ,

      Let us prfessor Sahar ,sociologist from Michigan university to answer this question.

      Please dear Professor:

    • hahaha!

      I wana add this too,that even health (in my idea) can not be the reason to imagine you are wealthy,can it?

      If yes, why most people are healthy ,so they must be wealthy ar at least feel it ,but they are not satisfied????!!!

    • Well , dear Sahar , This is a character!?
    • Ok , But with just money you can not satisfy but with science I think human can be satisfied. do you agree?
  • Nothing in the world is more important than healthy.
    • sahar jan!

      I do agree with your idea!

      Nothing can replaces the healthy.

    • This issue is complately true that health can be the BEST divine gift! ha?

      can we reach this idea ,every body who is healthiest is the wealthiest??!

      If yes,so why we donot think like that?

      why sombody when ask them,"are you wealthy"?_they answer,"NO,I'm poor"?????!!!

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