vinaymohandas's Posts (2)

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If a = 1, B= 2, C=3,.... Z=26, then.....

Two eleven lettered words   N E G O T I A T I O N   and   G R A N U L O C Y T E are similar in a way that they land up with the same product when the alphabets are multiplied

N   E   G   O   T   I   A   T   I   O N
14 x 5 x 7 x 15 x 20 x 9 x 1 x 20 x 9 x 15 x 14 =  50009400000


G   R   A   N   U   L   O   C   Y   T   E
7 x 18 x 1 x 14 x 21 x 12 x 15 x 3 x 25 x 20 x 5 = 50009400000

Try finding more pair of words like this !

See my previous blog ,,,,,,

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My daughter had once asked me " Dad, if A=1, B= 2, C= 3,....Z=26.  Then do you know which word totals 100 " . As I knew the answer, I said, " It is ATTITUDE = 1+20+20+9+21+4+5 = 100"

The next thing that made me wonder was how many words are there in English that totals 100. I then had to do some research and found about 906 words that totals 100. The words are below separated by comma. See if you can add more;

absorbancy, acclimation, accuittance, accumulate, acenaphthene, achroous, acidophilin, acknowledge, acrodromal, acromegaly, actinogenic, acylation, addressing, adhesiogram, adiabatically, admiralling, adulthood, aeriality, aerometer, aerometre, affectation, affricative, afghanistan, africanist, agalactous, agamogenetic, agrogorod, agrological, agrology, airferry, albedometer, albuminoid, algaeology, alienation, alineation, alkalinize, alkoxyl, alligation, allosomal, alpinist, altiscope, amanthium, ambulanceman, ametropic, ammophos, amusedly, anacamptics, analysis, androclinia, aneurism, angienchyma, angiotribe, anglophobia, annually, answerable, antalkaline, anterior, anthosin, anticathode, antichlor, antidrum, antiskate, apexogram, apheresis, aphrodisia, apoplectic, apostacy, apperceive, appertain, applying, appraisable, apropos, aquamarine, areometer, argumenta, arrivals, arrowy, arsenium, asbestite, asbestone, asbestos, ascophore, aspergilla, asphalter, aspirafing, assisor, asyndetic, atomiser, attitude, auctorial, audiophile, auldfarrand, autocarta, autoclave, autofeeder, automated, avocation, avouching, awfully, azurite, bacilliform, backslashes, backswept, backtracking, backupping, bactrricidal, baculiform, balletomane, ballstone, bariatrics, barspoon, barytone, basiotribe, bassetite, batonist, battement, beestings, beetroot, benediction, benqinox, beryllate, betrunked, bibliophobia, bimalleolar, binarycoded, bioelement, bioenergy, bioghurt, biologize, bionicist, biophyte, bipartite, birthmark, biscutate, bisphenol, bisulphid, bituminic, blethering, blissful, boohooing, bootmaker, borisov, botanist, bouillon, boulevard, boundary, boundpair, boycott, breadboarding, breadbroading, brentogen, breviary, bronchus, bronzy, brooklime, browser, bruiting, bullgrader, bullnose, butachlor, butoxide, caciferous, cacogenesis, cacophonical, cacophony, calcitonin, calvities, camphoramic, candidature, canephoroe, canutism, carbometer, carboxyl, cardiograph, cardioplegia, carpenter, carroty, castwood, catadromy, catechistic, catholicon, cecutient, cellarway, celticist, cembretum, cenogenetic, censorate, censurable, champignon, checkboarding, cheesemaking, chemotactic, chilldown, chimpanzee, chipscreen, choiceness, chondrule, chromium, clangoring, clemizole, clevising, clinically, clockwise, clotting, coattails, cockneyse, coincidense, collecting, colopexia, columbite, cometary, companion, complicacy, complicit, concubitage, condensate, confabulate, congenital, congress, conjoint, conjugated, conjunct, connivance, conodont, cookout, corridor, corticole, cosmetical, cotillon, cotrets, couchette, coumaron, countoff, covalency, coverlet, coverup, coxcombical, coyness, craniomalacia, creosote, crociform, crudity, cruising, cryalgesia, culture, cuncation, cupralon, curettage, cutdown, cutout, cyclitis, cyopathic, cysteine, daminozide, danewort, darmstadt, dearchiving, debarkation, debussing, declarative, declension, decompiler, decorous, decremental, decrypted, deflexure, deglaciation, degrowth, delineating, deliquesce, delivery, delustra, delution, demisting, demobilize, demodulate, denominate, denumerable, depilator, depletion, deploring, desampling, descenting, descrambler, desiccative, destoner, deterring, detwist, dewberry, diagonally, diakinesis, dialkylate, dialyzer, diaphyseal, diazopon, dichloralide, differencing, diffusant, digenomatic, digestive, digitiser, dignostic, dihexagonal, dilatator, dimethoate, dimethrin, dinitrate, dinitrile, dioecious, diplexing, dipsesis, discernible, discipline, disclaiming, discommode, discophile, disjoint, disjunct, dislodging, dislokated, dispargate, dispraise, disroot, distancing, dithyramb, diurethan, divinely, dochmiasis, dolomitic, domiciliate, dominoing, doublebass, doublesided, doughty, downlatch, draftsmen, drawplate, drizzle, drossy, dumbfound, dysuriac, ebullient, edmonton, effectless, effulgense, egoistical, electives, electrocar, elsewhere, emasculate, embodiment, emboldening, emendation, empathetic, emultex, enclasping, encrust, endgroup, englewood, enharmonic, entropic, enzimatic, episematic, epitaphical, epitaxy, equijoin, equispaced, erasement, erubescence, espouse, esterified, ethanoyl, ethylated, eugenist, eulogize, eventual, everting, evolute, excellent, excerpted, exintine, extendible, eyeleteer, falseness, fasciculate, fastacting, fatalistic, fatherhood, feedstook, felinity, feltwood, fenestral, ferryman, fibrograph, filtering, finalising, firebombing, fireclimax, fixedform, flamebuoy, flangeless, flettner, floodwall, flowrate, fluction, fluoiodide, fluorine, flurry, forefoot, forewarn, formeret, fountain, fourline, frigorific, frisson, furuncle, galactobolic, gauntlet, gelometer, generating, geographer, giftwrap, gladiolus, glareshield, glauberite, glissando, glossine, glucinum, glutamate, glutelin, glycogenic, glycolate, godparent, grappling, greatening, grillers, grindery, groover, groundbeam, grouper, grumpy, grutum, guideplate, gullibly, hackbarrow, handtruck, haranguing, hastloy, healthily, heliophobia, hellbroth, helobiont, hematogenic, hemiformal, hemoglobin, hemology, hermetics, hillfort, hirsute, hobbyist, hodoscope, hollandaise, holograph, honeycomb, honoring, hospital, hydatidoma, hydrazide, hyperemia, hyperis, hypohemia, hypopnea, hypothec, hypoxic, ichthyol, ignifying, iiolumbar, illyrian, imbroglio, immature, immerser, immitigable, impaction, impaneling, impellor, impendent, impotence, imprest, impugnable, inadequacy, inapplicable, inchoating, incongealable, incubating, inefficient, inferring, inflation, infringer, ingrown, innately, innovate, inoculate, inprint, insecticide, intellect, interbreed, interfair, interfere, intertie, intrados, iodophilic, iodophor, irritate, isochimene, isodynam, isophagy, izhevsk, jacketting, jailhouse, jetprop, journaled, judiciary, jurassic, kaliningrad, kamyshin, keysize, knitlite, knothole, knowbot, krunchy, kytoon, lacquerer, lamarckism, laminating, lampstand, landfilling, landholding, landscaping, largeness, leaseholds, leveraging, liberalism, liberator, libration, lightning, lightray, likelihood, limassol, locksoy, loftsman, logagnosia, longeron, lopwood, lubricant, lunokhod, lupomin, lyxose, macrocosm, macrograph, magistral, magnestat, magnetboard, magnetize, maidstone, maleficating, malonurea, mammalogy, marmatite, martinet, martingale, masochism, masseter, matchless, matchmaking, maximize, mealworm, meaningly, measurer, medicamental, meetness, megamegacycle, melbourn, melkozem, meningioma, menoplania, menoxenia, mercantile, mercurial, merganser, meridional, merrily, mesoceccum, mesomeric, metaborate, metameter, microbus, microflaw, micronair, microoder, midpoint, miscopy, misdirect, mistful, mittens, mixogram, molecular, mollient, moneyman, mongolian, monoblock, monocline, monomark, montero, morceaux, morphing, moytol, mummify, munnion, myosis, myrabolam, myrobalam, naloxone, nanolevel, napthacyl, nastily, natuary, neoclassic, nervonic, nestling, netlayer, netnews, neuronal, nextly, nonhuman, nostalgic, notional, nutty, obscenely, octameter, off-season, oligochaete, operetta, ornament, outflank, outlier, outlined, outrank, outset, overboard, Pakistani, palpitate, paramecium,  Pasteur,  pasture, pathless, pediculicide, Penutian, perilune, personage, personal, perturb, phagocyte, phlebitis, pilaster, pistachio, pitying, pixilated, plagioclase, plastered, plebiscite, plosion, Plovdiv, plumcot, plummet, plummy, plumule, Pollux, polyamide, Portland, poseuse, postdate, posting, postpaid, potbellied, pothook, pounding, pouring, practicing, Precambrian, preordain, Presley, prevent, Priapus, primary, printer, producer, profuse, progeny, promisee, propjet, publicly, puerpera, pumpkin, pursue, pussy, putter, pyridine, pyrogen, quadrangle, quarry, quarter, quicklime, radiocarbon, raillery, receptor, reciprocal, redeploy, refinery, reflation, regimented, regroup, reimpose, renovate, repress, reprint, reprobate, reputable, reschedule, researcher, reshuffle, resolved, restore, retiring, reversal, riverbank, roadster, roomful, roommate, ruction, sagebrush, saintly, salacious, Saragossa, sarcolemma, satirise, savory, schoolman, sclerosed, scoreboard, scrapbook, scrummage, sculpted, scuttle, seamster, selective, self-defense, self-drive, semaphore, semitone, septicemia, services, session, shadberry, shadowing, shakedown, shakeout, Shaktism, shattered, sheepwalk, shibboleth, shipyard, shoofly, shooter, shortcake, shrieking, sightly, simulate, sinapism, Sitwell, skirret, sleepyhead, smitten, snobbery, sobersided, socialism, Socinus, Socrates, sodomite, sparkler, spirited, splashy, spyhole, squint, stagecraft, stalemated, starfish, starling, status, strangled, stress, striker, strobile, subjugable, subsume, succour, sucrose, Sumerian, summum, surcharge, surely, Suriname, sweetened, sweptback, swimmer, swollen, syndicate, syntagma, tablature, tailspin, Tannenberg, Taurus, telephone, telescope, telluric, temperance, temporal, tensely, tetanus, tetragon, thalidomide, therefore, thickening, thievish, thirty, thorny, threatened, thumbnail, tinkerer, Tiresias, towards, traction, trade-last, trademarked, transom, trembling, triplet, trochlear, tropics, truism, turkey, turnoff, twisted, unaltered, unavailable, unbeholden, unbeloved, unbounded, unbridgeable, unbroken, underbodice, underdone, undergird, underlay, undress, unequaled, unfasten, unfreeze, unhorse, unkempt, unlighted, unmanly, unmatchable, unmodified, unmown, unrelated, unvalued, unwearied, unwilled, urbanized, urceolate, urticaria, useless, utensil, uxorial, variety, varnished, veloute, Ventose, verbalize, vetchling, vinous, vouchsafe, Watergate, Wednesday, well-fixed, whenever, whirling, whiskey, wholesale, whooper, wire-haired, witloof, writing, yarrow, zithern.



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