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  •       My friend, it is an awesome gift to be perfect on this beautiful planet. But, perfection is unreachable, no matter how our effort will be. But it is a must to do our best. So at that point, we face the biggest challenge in our life. To win it, this challenge, we have to recognize very well the limits of our intellect, our understanding and our power. Then, who knows his or her self very well without any fakeness he or she will be the winner. They win the truth of themselves.  They will be sure that; they have lack at least at one of these self-features. So they will not waste their time to gain perfection. They will invest it on improving themselves. No shame of that. At least, they are confident of who they really are without any falls decorations. God bless you.   

    • Tamam ya ustatha Sewar. Alkamal Lillah. Perfection is unreachable. I agree with that. I really enjoyed reading your nice intervention. It means that you are a very intellectual lady, may Allah bless you, Sewar. Thank you for your nice thoughts about that tweet. God bless my friend, Sewar, and her family.

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    • Terima kasih Felicia for being my friend.

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    • Feliciandrine, I think so, but is it possible to be one of your friends? Thanks for your nice comment.


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    •  Sepertinya komentar kamu cukup bagus. Thanks, peony for your words.


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