abhishrishtha's Posts (2)

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eve teasing

I don't Know what has happened with the boys or men who teases girl on road or anywhere. Don't they respect their mother or sister? Is by doing this they feel good? How anybody can feel good after doing these cheap tricks? Aren't they protective of their sister? You know when a father sends his daughter anywhere he just wish his daughter come home safely. Didn't the cheapster get it? You know being a girl is so difficult & receding among these type of cheapster is more difficult. So guys I want your suggestions that how can a girl go anywhere safely and can fight back with those cheapsters.
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Actually you know what I am writing this just because to improve my English language. So, if you found any error please write to me or comment.Do you believe in god?If this question asked to me I would reply "yes I do". What do I believe is just that god is everywhere. But believing in god doesn't mean you are blowing lots of candles in front of god's statue or plucking flowers from the trees & keeping in god's feet or decorating their statue with lots of gold jewelry. God don't need them. I think he just want that the humans that he made live life happily with one another. If one wants to do for god , one should help needy. I believe in " karm hi dharm h " or your doings define your religion.
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