Zahra's Discussions (123)

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Men ::::<<<>>>

Hi ladies (first) & gentlemen...i found a really interesting blog that i would like to put it here so that we discuss about it ...i found the following blog at hereDoomed by pretty womenSeptember 16, 2009 by Paul VereijkenFellow men, it’s official: w

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Hi everyone ...What do you think about your friend ,SLEEP??!!!

pic at hereAs you know we are living in so hectic a world with so much hustle and bustle.The idea of making the most of everything with the best efficiency is the ideal of us all.But the f

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what is the meaning of life?!

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. -- Camusdo you think about this question that what the meaning of life is?why ? why not?is it useful to

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don't block the way ...

pic at hereyour shadow is always here and there long as sun emits light long as moon exists long as any signs of light exists ...shadow ,shadow ,shadow...why not letting rays go through your body ...not to be matte??? ...yeah

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where are you going ????!!!

pic at hereis it important to you where you go ???do you think about it that where you are going???do you just go through the stairs or you look where you go ???do you go up or down ???where are you going???

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Does this baby feel happy or sad or none?what is it thinking about?what does it want?what is it doing?why do babies sometimes feel unhappy ?what makes a baby sad?

picture at here

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Hi ,in this discussion,i don't want you to contemplate...just close your eyes,feel free ...then see what you like to say to Emilie,my dear friend who is going to leave EC...

the pic is taken from here...

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Oh ..My Emi...My dear dandelion ...Wind is blowing ...What can i do...let wind blow and take you to the sky ...let it take you to others who love to have happiness in their lives...let it take you to the world of kids who love to play with you ;to ha

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Here you are ...Iranian Kebab ...

Hi dear friends...well ,look at the menu...a list of Kebabs are here ...wanna taste?Kebab Koobideh or Kabab Koobideh (Minced meat Kebab:This amazing soft Kebab is a real Persian Kebab, which many people believe that its current recipe belongs to a Pe

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Hi everyone...Do you like math problems?here is a simple problem ; what is the answer?A quart bottle contains a mixture that is 1/3 antifreeze, 2/3 water. A half gallon bottle contains a mixture that is 3/4 antifreeze, 1/4 water. The contents of the

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Hi my sis and i saw the argument in the main page,i felt that it is needed to openly discuss about our doubts and seek the truth just based on logical documents.we are here to understand te truth ;so no one has the right to argue nor insult

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