Tam's Posts (133)

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Atomic enegy , the internet, guns and so on are very convenient and necessary at the present time but if we incorrectly use these things, our society will be severely damaged.

About atomic enegy, it create huge erectricity, but it can also be used for bombs which can wipe out the human race. About guns, they are convenient to defend oneself with , but they can also become weapons which can kill easily people.

If we can correctly use these things, they are very convenient but if we can't, these things negatively affect our society. It is important that we correctly use these things.

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How can people hear animal calls is different for Japanese and English speakers.
For example, Japanese can hear call of cats like "nya nya", English speakers can hear that like "mew mew". Dogs sound like this in Japanese "wan-wan", and like this in English speakers "bow-wow". Roosters sound like this in Japanese "kokekottuko"、 and like this in English speakers "cock-a-doodle-doo". Sheep sound like this in Japanese "mee", and like this in English speakers "baa". Frogs sound like this in Japanese "gerogero"、 and like this in English speakers "croak" . And there are some ones that are same like cows. Japanes and English speakers can hear call of cows like "moo". It's interesting. How can your country's people hear animal calls?

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Miyazaki Hayao retired from director of animation. He is very famous and popular director of animation not only in Japan but also in the world. His movies are loved in the world. His movie "千と千尋の神隠し" won Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2002. I like his movies, especially "風の谷のナウシカ", "天空の城ラピュタ","千と千尋の神隠し".
Have you seen his movies? What kind of his movies do you like?




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Similar sayings in Japanese and English

一石二鳥(Issekinichou) is  a Japanese saying , whose meaning is to gain two advantages by one act. The meanings of the kanji in this saying are to catch two birds with one stone. There seems to be a saying like this in English. It is "Killing two birds with one stone".
豚に真珠 is a Japanese saying , whose meaning is that even worthy things are worthless for people who don't know their worth. There seems to be a saying like this in English. It is "Casting pearls before swine".
It is interesting that there are similar sayings in Japanese and English like these.

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This year is the year of the snake

This year is the year of the snake. Every year are represented by Eto(干支)in Japan and some Asian countries. Eto is the Oriental Zodiac. It represents year ,time, bearing by the twelve units in days of old. The twelve units are mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar in order. They are represented 子(ネ、ねずみ)、丑(ウシ、牛)、寅(トラ、虎)、卯(ウ、ウサギ)、辰(タツ、龍)、巳(ミ、蛇、ヘビ)、午(ウマ、馬)、未(ヒツジ、羊)、申(サル、猿)、酉(トリ、鶏)、戌(イヌ、犬)、亥(イ、猪) in Japanese. For example, 子 represents twelve o'clock, the bearing of 辰巳 represents the bearing of south and east.
There are various kind of Eto in some other Asian countries. Only Japan and Mongolia seem to include boar in Eto instead of pig. I think the reason is because Japanese think boar is stronger than pig. 「猪突猛進」 is a phrase about boar. The meaning is " rushing own goal ".
You may wonder why cat isn't included in Eto. There is an anecdote about Eto. One day the race was played. The race was to determine twelve animals of Eto. Twelve animals of Eto was determined in order of arriving to God early. The cat couldn't join the race because of being cheated by the mouse. So the cat seemed not to be included in Eto. The anecdote says the cat catch up mouses because of being angry at the mouse. Incidentally, there is a contry which include cat in Eto instead of rabbit. It's Viet Nam. I don't know the reason but it is interesting that the kind of Eto is different by countries.
By the way, You may be wondering why the mouse could arrive to God most earliest. It is because mouse rode on ox's head until the goal and mouse took a leap from ox's head at the last goal. The mouse is very smart or foxy, isn't it?
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Japanese year-end and New Year

I write about Japanese year-end and New Year. THe 31st December is called "Oomisoka" 「大晦日(おおみそか)」 in Japan. Japanese people eat soba on this day. There are some theories about why Japanese people eat soba on this day, I think it's because soba is auspicious in the end.
We hear year-end gongs on the eve of New Year. The gongs are struck 108 times because men are disabused 108 worldly desires to strike the bell 108 times in Buddhist beliefs.
We eat New Year's food during the first three days of January, which is called Osechi-ryouri. Osechi-ryouri consist of auspicious ingredients in Japan like black beans and herring eggs and so on. They are very delicious.
Have a good year-end and New Year.





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This year has been a year of elections

This year has been a year of elections in major countries like America, France and Russia. An election was not held in China but the Chinese Communist Party was held. I didn't know when the election of The House of Representative in Japan would be hold because the term was till Septenber of next year, but the election will be held in this December. This is really a year of elections.
In Russia, Putin became the president again and Obama was reelected as president in America. In France, a new reader emerged and the leader of China was changed. In Japan, there is a high possibility that a new goverment will be elected because present opinion polls indicate an advantage for the opposition parties. Next year will be a year shaped by new leaders.

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Most Japanese Like Soybeans.

Most Japanese like soybeans. Japanese typical seasonings, Syouyu(しょう油)and Miso(味噌), are made from soybeans. Popular Japanese foods, Toufu(豆腐) and Natto(納豆)are also made from soybeans. Soybeans are very healthy and nutritious. They are called asmeat from the field」 because of the reasons. There are hamburger steaks in Japan which are made of soybeans instead of meat. It is called a「Toufu hamburge」. It is delicious and healthy. I like soybeans and foods which are made of soybeans. Do you like soybeans ? And do you like foods which are made of soybeans?
By the way, the deep drought of this year in America seems to damage the crops of soybeans and corns. I am worrying about it. I hope the damage will be preferably less.
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Do you like green tea with sugar ?

I read an article recently. The article said that famous Japanese canned green tea 「お~いお茶」 is popular in Silicon Valley in America. They seem to like 「お~いお茶」 because of its healthiness and flavor. And I read about a Japaneae woman who was interviewed  in this article. She said that she was glad to be able to drink 「お~いお茶」 in America because the other canned green teas are with sugar. She likes green tea but she can't drink green tea with sugar. I was surprised to read her interview. Americans drink green tea with sugar ?? Really ?? I have not drunk green tea with sugar ever. Though I sometimes drink coffee with some sugar.
Do you like green tea? And Do you drink green tea with some sugar?
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If you watch Japanese movies, I recommend movies directed by Kurosawa Akira. He is the greatest movie director in Japan and one of the greatest in the world. His movies are loved around the world. I recomend all his movie to men, especially "Seven Samurai (七人の侍)". This is his most famous and popular movies. I also recommend his movie" Ikiru (生きる)"to women. This movie is very moving. Though these two movies and some of his other movies are old and filmed in black-and-white, but they are still interesting, even now.
Many great movie directors like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are influenced by Kurosawa's movies and fans of his movies. An "Honorary Academy Award" was given to him in 1990. Have you watched any Kurosawa's movies ? Let's watch his movies.


The Oscar ceremony when an "Honorary Academy Award" was given to Kurosawa in 1990. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJHWKUeGz2E

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How important eating is !

Recently the inside of my mouth was injured, so I couldn't eat food for three days. It was three hard days because I had never experienced not eating for three days ever. Now that the inside of my mouth has gotten well, I can eat food. When I ate food after three days of not eating anything , I was deeply struck how important eating is. Now I knew the importance of eating again.
There are many people around the world who can't eat food. I can do little for them but I think what I can do is to make good use of food and be thankful for food. How long have you ever gone not eating anything? How did you feel during the time? And when you ate food after that, how did you feel? Please tell me.

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The Korean government office which deals with foods did a search to know the rating about world's cuisine because they want to know the rating of their country's cuisine . This search was accomplished by some questionnaires about cuisine of twelve countries . The questionnaires targeted six hundred people from five countries in Asia and America. The cuisine were judged by five major filleds and thirty-nine items, and quantified. The five major fileds are cooking (taste, setout, etc), image (general, premium, creativeness, etc), price ( quality for the price), service (sever's behavor, etc), restaurant (cooking ingredients, scale, atmosphere, etc).

The result is that No.1 is Italian cuisine ( 80.1points), and in descending order of high ranked, Japanese (78.3points), Spanish (76.7points), French (76.3points), Chinese (75.8points), Thai (75points), Korean (73.2points), Turkish (73.1points), Malaysian (72.4points), Vietnamese (72.3points), German (71.9points), Indian (71.6points).

I think it is very interesting. Which country's cuisine do you like most? 



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My name is Tam. I am Japanese. I started this blog to communicate with other countries' people, and ing good at my English.
I want to write about Japan and Japanese and my opinions. Because my English isn't good, if my English have some mistakes, please point it out. 
I welcome your comments for my journals. And I also welcome them for my past journals. I hope you will take good care of this blog.
I introduce myself. I like music, reading books,  cooking , etc . My favorite musics are classic and rock. My favorite musicians  are U2, Guns and Roses, Cyndi Lauper,etc. My favorite musicians of classic are Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, Dvorak, etc.

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