Paskal migang's Posts (2)

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How to handle an infant 'S cold

  1. There are several things about fever in children, namely, the provision of saline, steam shower, humidifier, and a piece of upriqh, which are the conditions for making children comfortable, extra cudlle, extra facifer and extra fidding, if the child has not recovered, take it to the nearest doctor.
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My dream car

a fastival CafRS mi drevam car IS a handa civic because the honda Civic hs a Caracity Of 2000 Hörse POwer engine ao has a sooad that Can Penetraté the numbers Of 300 km / hour was OF SOP hiticaeion that BMW Cars bot tche featuresas Presented ars Still below BMew cars, Gut only Civic has 14S Oun aduanta gos, namely eficioncy which is Far more efficient Hhan other cars. thas the cad vantage Of honda motorcyELES Or cars. Cnd aar is not racing has a Fiery tet Sex7 6ady and t6 Cause OF hoving a cast that and Fast Car This has a level is aumost the Same as COOL the (EVEL OF the torque of the ferry in the tortue of a car.

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