Olga's Posts (2)

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Watch films in English with subtitles.

Watch films in English with subtitles.Watch film on a computer, on laptop, on digital player. Make sure you can pause the film any time. When you hear interesting phrase and you already know where you are going to use it, pause the film, write out a new phrase. In the end you’ll probably have 20-50 new phrases. Do not write out every phrase. Start with film that you’ve already seen in your native language many times
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1. Motivation . You have to answer to these questions: English – for what? Speak English – with whom, what topics, in what situations? Imagine your life in details in 6 months. How English can change your life?2. Aim. Make “Learner’s plan”. You MUST learn not less than 20 phrases by heart in a day. Not just words, but phrases or even sentences. On Sunday you’ll know 140 phrases, in a month - 560, in 6months – 3360. You have to register the time of your lessons. Not less than 12 hours in a week.3. Hard work every day. Practice makes perfect. Learn phrases by heart. Try to identify your phrases in films, radio shows, news, audios, podcasts, computer programs. Write out new phrases not apart, but in a context. Try to understand how to use these phrases in real world situations.4. Activate. Think out some examples of your own to the phrases.5. Revision. Any English text you should read with green marker: underline phrases that you want to use in real world6. For effective learning you need: computer, DVD, Internet, flashcards, dictionary (I recommend Lingvo).7. Flashcards. Make them small, so that you can carry them with you every where. If you have free time, take them out and revise.
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