Mahdi's Discussions (7)

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Proverb & idiom

Proverb & idiom

Do you pay attention to EC proverbs and idioms of the day?
What do they mean and say in your language?
For example: in English this proverb (like a piece of cake) says; easy
We say in Persian: like drinking a glass of water.;.....


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Best sentences

I have an idea ,

We can write some sentenses or proverb in persian and other translate it to english.

It help us (at least me ) to learn english better .

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what is prejudice?

Do you think it is good or bad ?

For example prejudice to religion is good ?


We must judge about evrythings far from any prejudice.

Actually , does it have usage in our real life?

Our life in the world far from any prejudice is not be

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