Lynne's Discussions (38)

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Word Game 1

1.  Turn the verb spelled g-l-e-a-n into a geometric figure.

2.  Turn the word "peach" into the opposite of "expensive."


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an activity that will help our body mentally, physically and emotionally. This is a healthy way to fight boredom. 

Sport is a good therapy for dreamers who do not know yet their goals in life. Indulging in sports can create a rewarding emotional feeli

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Just for fun


1.  Turn the verb spelled g-l-e-a-n into a geometric figure.

2.  Turn the word "peach" into the opposite of "expensive."

3.  What prefix turns the word "town" into a word meaning, "center of town?"


Share your riddle my friends.

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Play on Words


Sam:  John will you lend me two hundred dollars if I asked you?

John:  Why, yes I suppose so.

Sam:  All right, then, lend me  two hundred but just give me one hundred first.

John:  OK, but why?

Sam:  Then you'll owe me one hundred, and I'll owe you o

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Q & A: How dare you call me son?

"Fourth floor please," said the passenger to the elevator operator.

"Here you are son."

"How dare you call me son?"

"I brought you up, didn't I?"

(Share a joke and let's laugh together)

Good day!

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Dilemmas cannot be solved

dilemma - a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more unfavorable or undesirable alternatives.


Sometimes we may find ourselves in a dilemma where we are "damned if we do and damned if we don't."  We cannot solve such dil

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This could be debatable

What is it about boredom that makes us so creative? :)

Someone told me that boredom breeds foolish ideas. I myself do not agree with this point of view. Think back to all the most creative ideas, and you'll notice that they all began from one being so

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-- is a citation, passage or a verse taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author or speaker. example,

  • "Optimism is the most important human trait,  because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situati

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I think I made a mistake...

or something is wrong with the uploader.


Please check the video I uploaded yesterday. It has not been made public yet.  I am really not sure which one of the uploaders to use so I uploaded it 3 times. I am just thinking that something's wrong with

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