Lee's Posts (10)

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A Story About 'Well'

   Well,well,well,let me tell you a story about 'well'.One day when I woke up well from sleeping,I stretched my waist and looked out of the windows.Well!Look at that surprise sight! What surprise sight? A couples of people were digging another well not far ahead.Suddenly cold water welled out of the ground.Er! it seems that they had dug a well well. How could they do it well? I think .......

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A method of learning English

How does one person learn English? There are a variety of methods. This time I produce my favourite method. Song! Yes,it is song. From the song I learned a lot about English language. For example,'With you I see forever Oh,So clearly I might have been in love before…Hold me now,Touch me now,I don't want to live without you',How elegant the words are! we both have fallen in love before. We human race are almost fimilar in feelings. I get the same resonance in this song. By the way I discover that English is plentiful enough and mobile enough to express our emotion(loveliness,angry,sorrow,happiness and so on).A great language! Yeah,he deserve it!
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Talk About My Learning In English

In the past time I learned English in education.I do it for the examination.I do not have more interest in this language.Therefore my ability in English is only confined in knowing some limitted words,you know what I mean.Now I am interested in English.So I make more effort in this language.Recently I spend at least two hours a day in leanring English.Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,all of these are my focus on.Occasionally in one or two times I felt I spoke English with someone else in my dream.But I cann't describe the detail.It is true,I promise.'You are a little crazy on this language' said by a member of my families,'But you have made fairish progress indeed'I will go on in this way. Okay,I make an end with a style of Chinglish:Good Good Study! Day Day Up!. Hope you enjoy this slogan!Bye!
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《虞美人》李煜春花秋月何时了,往事知多少?小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。《Poppy》By Li YuWhen will there be no more autumn moons and spring flowers? How many things from old times still linger in my mind?Last night cool breeze blew into the attic again.It is an unbearable pain to miss homeland as a bright moon is shining in the sky.In former palace Carved railings and white jade steps are just the way they should be.But my face has aged a lot.How much heartbreak I actually have?Just like a river keep flowing to the east and east.About Author

LiYu's portraitLiYu(A.D.937-978 ),styled himself ChongGuang,is the last monarch of Nan Tang Dynasty and a famous song words writer。He was on the throne for fifteen years.
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水调歌头苏轼  明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间。  转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。Thinking Of YouBy Su Shi"When did you bright moon appear?" Loudly I ask as I raise wine bowl toward the sky.I wonder which year it is in the palace of the moon tonight.I really want to go there with the breeze,but worry that it's cold and unbearable in cloud-kissing luna edifice.In the moonlight Dancing with the shadow,how elegant it is! how could it be comparable to the human world?Moonlight spill into carved windows,shining the sleepless soul.Moon should not have any regret ,right? Why does it always become full when people are parting? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far.Moon may waxes or wanes,be bright or dim.Not only the good aspects exist in these things.I hope people bless each other when it is time to say good bye.Though we are far apart,we can enjoy the same moon for all time.
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《Musing at night》

By Li bai

Moonlight spilled beside the bed

Wondering whether frost was on the ground

Gazing up the moon

Then head bowed,immersed in missing homeland

About the author:
Li Bai(701—762 A.D.),a great romanticism poem in Tang Dynasty,China.He is respectfully called 'fairy poet' by the later generations.His works mainly portrayed landscapes and expressed his inner emotion.

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江雪柳宗元千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。Snowy RiverBy Liu Zong YuanHundreds of mountains leave no bird trailThousands of paths leave no human traceIn a boat only an old fisherman wearing his straw hat and bamboo cloakFishes alone in the cold river.About the author:Liu Zong Yuan(A.D.773-819),styled Zi Hou. He is an excellent ideologist and proser.His achievement of poem is also great.《Snowy River》which has always been praised by people,was made by Liu Zong Yuan after he had been demoted to the officer of Yong Zhou city.In this verselet author expressed his ambition through descriping a landscape.He sketched a scene where a fisherman fished alone in the snowy cold river via most brief writing,artistically summarized the abominable political environments in which he was situated,showed his undimayed indomitable strong will and noble quality without evil deeds.
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Translation Of A Tang Dynasty Poem(一)


Song Of A Traveling Son
By Meng Jiao
Needle and thread in the hands of a dear mama
Makes clothes for her boy who is leaving.
Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends,
Be afraid that her son will delay for home.
Even daylily also have love,
But how can they repay sun for three spring months of light?

About the author
  Meng Jiao(751~814),Tang Dynasty poem, the Han nationality, styled himself DongYe. Borned from WuKang(DeQing,ZheJiang province now),his original family home was in PingChang(northeast of LinYi,ShanDong province now). Earlier his family lived in LuoYang(belong to HeNan province now). He lived in poverty in his early years, had traveled to HuBei,HuNan,GuangXi and so on, served as an official from 46 years old. Over 500 poems of Meng Jiao are extant.'Song Of Traveling Son' is one of his representative works.

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