Daniel's Discussions (11)

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Unscrambling Idioms # 1

 Hi learners, today I had an idea starting forum posts about idiom's learning and, so I thought to shufffle an idiom (missing some letters of it, of course, to hamper) so that you can unscramble it. It'll work so: I'll give you the idiom and its mean

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Be about ? What's the meaning?

Hi guys, I found a sentence  which I've not understood the meaning of the construction ( be + about) in this context. So, what would be the appropiate translation for this construction? Thanks for your comments in advance!

Follow the message which I h

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The uses of definite article "THE"

Hi dear Tanya, I want you clear for me the possible uses of definite article "the". I always confused me when I have to use this little word. I'd like a list of the all possible cases for this uses so that I don't miss any more the usage of THE. Awai

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