Bruno Cardoso's Posts (8)

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Who am you ?

A man’s personality is being formed it is being shaped by the noise of its surrounding he does not see himself throughout his own eyes anymore and as one can assume he cannot decide what is of his best interest. This symptom of lack of self love and confidence seems endlessly however he is watching TV.

He cannot see nor decide but he can watch TV, he must go to school where  the new shoes represents students’ new value, he has no shoes because these shoes are expensive, he is then for the first time labeled as not enough and he is naturally ignored by these people who loves to watch TV.
He is not himself anymore he is walking and dressing like them his essence is fading fast and as he runs away from himself he becomes just a follower and he is watching TV.
Years later and the man is sick his mind is lost and he wants a change, he then reads and writes and reads and writes over and over. On these years the TV is not there as strong as instagram and facebook but he is reading books about economics and physiology and he loves software engineering books as well.

At a given moment he has to decide among buying an Iphone 6 and Iphone 6, then he stops and maybe after many years of blindness he is about to make a decision on his own. The man can see now, he now think slow, it has been four years now without TV, he is thinking on his own the man is free.


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Getting to Know Brazil Part 1.1

    After a week of suspense, drama, love and a lot of hard-work the world's most spectered day just arrived welcome Friday. This is a day where some will have a nice beer after work or Just relax at home after a hard day at school anyway TDIF or Thanks God It is Friday.   
    Undeniably this Friday is a special one for me and  of course for all my friends from MEC and Skype because  I will have the opportunity to clarify a lot of questions doubts that a lot of people has about Brazil (by the way In Portuguese we always write Brasil with 'S') and you my dear friend will have a  sweet experience of traveling to Brazil without leave your home, to sum up I hope you have fun.
    Lets get the ball rolling. I divided this post into small parts, these are: Geography, Brazilians, Leisures, Food and Music. As I know that one image says more that one thousand words I picked a lot of images, videos and links in order to make this trip more interesting. Are you ready ?? Brazil here we come!


   I could not start talking about any country without bring up a bit of geography into the context however take it easy I am not a geography's subject expert despite the fact that I do know the definition of island of course.
     Island it is what Brazil looks like when you take a look on it in the map. Do you know why ? No problem dear passengers just enjoy the flight.

    Brazil is located in the South America continent and it has 210 millions of habitants in total, well I know no big deal so far. The interesting thing is that Brazil is the single and unique country in the continent where the mother language is Portuguese and this fact in fact is the reason why a lot of people think that Brazilians speak Spanish however no, no and no, we do not speak Spanish however we love all our nice neighbor btw 'Hola muchachos que tal ?'.


    In general it is very easy talk about Brazilians we are a mixture of all peoples in the world we are Africans, Japaneses, Germans (I wont talk about the last word cup), Italians, Turks, Indians well I think I got my point. 

       We just love to receive foreigns in our country maybe because maybe because we all know where we come from or better we do not know. Did you know that Brasil is the country with the largest number of Japanese outside japan ?  Now you know right lol. They came and Brought a lot of their culture and tradition.

    The South of Brazil were colonized by Germans they there are a lot of German families in Brazil and they brought and spread their culture here making Brazil much more interesting place to leave (October fest is the best for me lol).

     I would have to write a whole book to describe all sort of peoples who leaves here who are Brazilian and make this country so special from my point of view. In a nutshell, Brasil is a country of everybody and I dare You know some of these Brazilian's stars can you see how different they are? This is awesome isn't it ? 

Santos Drummont



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gisele Bunchen


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Getting to Know Brazil Part 1.2

Continuing ...


  If you are planning to go to Brazil so you must to know how Brazilians like to have fun and believe me Brazilians like to have fun. For instance, we have the most famous Carnival in world it takes place on February and lasts for at least 4 days (In Bahia State it takes the whole week). During the carnival celebration the whole country stops and each region has its single way to celebrate it.

  The  picture bellow is a example of the a carnival parade in Rio de Janeiro. In Rio there are tons of samba school witch compete with each other for the title of the king of the carnival.  


    Beija Flor is one of the most famous samba school and the current winner of the last carnival follow this link to watch Beija Flor Parade.


    Bahia state does not have samba school parade however it has partys that cross the whole day with a lot of shows and dances, if you are looking for someone to kiss you will probably will find in Bahia Carnival. 

                   This videos is very funny and show that even the reporter found someone to kiss in Bahia Carnival.

    I just can not forget to talk about the Brazilians beaches why? Because with no doubt going to the beach to have fun is a default activity for most of people in Brazil and fortunately there are tons of beaches in this country, thankss god!

    This is a beach in Natal state and is one of my favorites you can do a lot of activities including rent a "BUG" which in Brazil means a special kind of car prepared to run in the sand.

This is a beach In florianopolis State you friend can see another Brazilian invention very popular in this country the Bikini. lol

    The Rio de Janeiro beaches is also very popular in the globe and I am quite sure you has already heard about them.


    This is a beach in Maceio I went there last year it is very very beautiful literally a paradise.

    If you want to see more Brazilians's beaches go watch this video.

    Guys I have said a lot and I still have a lot to say about Brazil. So far I hope you have enjoyed all these information. I am going to take a break and I swear I finish the whole story next week. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you leave you comment and see you next.

           To Be Continued...



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   In the past few weeks I ran into tons of surprisingly and funny questions with regards to Brazil as a country and to Brazilians as "wait a minute" its people. Mostly of these questions were made by coworkers, colleagues  and some friends around this flat connected globe. Questions such as "Is it legal to walk naked in Brazil ? ", "Have you ever seen a Tiger or Elephant?" or even "Could you help me out with Spanish?". What ?, WHAT and Come on ?  these were usually my first reaction to these questions along with a wide smile of course. 
   Despite the fact that nowadays with the advent of the technologies anyone can easily get informed about almost anything as fast as a Jaguar running after a chubby habit "I swear I am not mean" there are some people who prefer to be considerably more skeptical and perhaps because of that inevitably they end up making questions that from 50 thousand foot view sounds silly but then after some hours of Hot Yoga and reflection under a mango tree  turns out to be just questions that somewhat were planted into their minds.
   However I see this communication problem as a great opportunity to help you my friend to see and understand much more about my country including cultural aspects such as religions, musics, foods and much more, but how?HOW? I am going to present all of this in three parts (Blog's Post) that will be published every Friday Afternoon. In the first part (next Friday) I going to Talk about Brazil, in the second part I will talk about São Paulo state and in the third one I will talk about my city Sorocaba.
   I really want to make a good job for you dear Friend and I am inclined to believe that it will not be possible alone, so I am counting on you to get it done, so if you already have any doubt aboutany topix related to Brazil you can post in the comments or just skype me at bruno_cardoso_da_silva. I will be glad to include your question and your name in the next Blog Post.  I almost forgot, "de cabo a rabo" is an idiomatic expression that mean "from top to bottom", see you next guys.

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    I am inclined to believe that everybody knows someone who succeeded in his or her career in one way or another it might be someone who came from the ground up and nowadays is has an important position at the company where you work for or maybe an super champion athlete like Rafael Nadal, Lionel Messi, Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt and son on or even a famous and important scientist such as Einstein or Alan Turing.

All of the these people mentioned here have an important point in common all of them have been at some point of their life reached the top of their career and reached in some way the "success". It is crucial to understand that people in general has its own definition for the word "success" and maybe and probably persons like Einstein had never even thought to be a success but maybe some rock star band like Iron Maiden always dreamed with that anyway but for now it just does not matter and the word "success" in this article will be used to represent people greatest achievements and in so doing try to understand if it is possible to do the same.

It is believed that it usually takes 7 years of hard work to be in the top 100 best professionals in your field however it does not mean that you are going to graduate from university our start playing among professionals and then just count 7 years and then you are in this list. Actually there are plenty of variables that need to work out together in order to make it happen for instance, engagement, passion and discipline just to say some. Rafael Nadal for example he stayed for a long time in the top of the list of best tennis player, he earned millions of hundreds of dollars and won plenty of time important championships and tournaments this can be considered a good example of success for most of people nowadays.

Nevertheless we tend to look only for the success and we do not used to take into consideration what does it takes to people like the ones mentioned here to succeed and believe me it was not easy it took hours and hours of training too much hard work they might had to absent from families, friends and for some of them might had to avoid eating the dishes that they most like in order to be in shape and prepared and the most important they had to do all these stuff for more than 7 years.

Most people wants to succeed but the problem is they do not want to pay the price need for achieve the success and as far as I am concerned "yes" it is possible to succeed in any area you just need to ask yourself how much you want it and if you are able to take all efforts it is be required to make that happens and likely do that for at least 7 years because as I said there is no magic to succeed. GOOD LUCK!

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   Some people used to be considerably proactively and hard-work when it comes to their day-to-day work. However some of these people are still literately fighting and yelling to get a better position in their work environment. For instance, a coworker was saying to me that he had been wondering about what would the reasons that were preventing him to get more challenges in the company he says: "I wish I could go and talk directly with clients and show them my job give presentations and so on".
  I am inclined to believe that most of us are willing to get something new at work after all who likes to work in a monotonous place. A better position, a high salary or the need of more challenges are the most common terms when it comes to people's reasons to be unsatisfied in their current position.
  I myself do not believe in bullet silver a unique solution that fits for everything in my opinion there are some variables that need to be taken into consideration when you want to figure out the reasons that is stopping your carrier to take off. However there is one variable that is constantly overlooked by most of people and from my point of view is almost as important as get the job done I am talking about people's behavior.
  We are usually hired to accomplish a given sort of task at our job and very often workers I know limit themselves to do so and end up forgetting about the whole ecosystem where they are in. We do need to understand that nowadays companies are looking for employees who know how to collaborate, how to solve problems, how to communicate clearly, exchange their ideas and last but not at least how to represent the companies's identity inside and outside its walls and this last one is exactly the  point where I want to you understand crystal clear.
  You might not know but companies are looking on how its employees and potential ones behave not only in the business world but in a more holistic way meaning they look at how you generally behave in different situation in different contexts and after that they build your profile according to their own perspective. Why they do that ? In general they do so because the company's name is often its most valuable active in the market and with the speed of the information its value can decrease considerably fast. Following this line companies are more concerned about who you behave in a social and professional environment. Therefore you need to think reasonably well before post something in your Facebook page our before attend a call from someone when you are in your work place. Another important point is about your appearance ant it is not a rocket science to know that the way you dress and take care of yourself can mean what people think about you in that way do not be so careless about this item but you do not need to make yourself miserable over it if you do not have clothes because what I meant here is that you must at least use clean clothes at work and believe me I have seen some people who has not followed this rule. To sum up, as I have pointed out before there are a lot of variable that need to be taken into consideration to strength figure inside the company however the one highlighted here the ways as you behave are the most common overlooked and this actually can be the one slowing down you train. 
  I would strongly recommend you to look at how were your behave inside the company in the past three months and make your own evaluation. A rule of thumb is the fact that most of companies have a code of conducts rules which express what is expected as a ideal behavior from its employees in different situations so try reading it and and if it wont be enough to you reach your goals than it can be a slightly sign that others variables need to be taken into consideration.

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Least Brilliant: First Pig

Hello everbody,
Wow, First of all I would like to thanks everybody who voted on for me, my mother my dad and myself.
It is a pleasure to be considered the Least Brilliant character among all these untalented ones and believe me it was not easy.
As most of you might probably know I have not been working hard for a long time and this award is in fact a concrete symbol of a SO SO work and I would like to share
this So SO award with all couch potatoes who are happy for being figurant in their own lives, for everybody who would rather to pup up with a bad, stressful and unpleasant job than trying to find a new one, for all people (in Brazil specially) who thinks that the verb to be is enough when it comes to English Language and at last but not at least... Ops hold on what's the problem in being the least? Well who cares. In conclusion I would like to thanks everybody here tonight again, the teacher Tara Benwell the site EnglishClub the Fairy Tale Academy and the most important you who standed up there trying to understand this bad English.

Audio Version First Pig Speech Audio

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From my point of view talking about weather is the best way to break the ice. Last week I made a new friend her name is Kasenia and she is from Russia and as you might guess I talked about wheather to break the ice and initiate our conversation.

Bruno: Hello ksenia, nice to meet you.

Ksenia: Hello Bruno nice to meet you too.

Bruno: So ksenia where are you from?

Ksenia: I am from Russia, and you?

Bruno: I am from from Brazil, I am Brazilian.

Ksenia: Cool I love Brazil.

Bruno: It is great to know that, and how is the weather in Russia?

Ksenia: It is a little bit cold today, how about the weather in Brazil?

Bruno: It is sky is overcast to day and the weather is chilly, it is 16 degrees Celsius  here.

Ksenia: Really, it is not cold at all in Russia it is -4 right now. hahah

Bruno: My goodness it might be frezzing there, isn't it?

Ksenia: Not at all it used to be -25 sometimes.

Bruno: How interisting, I think my city never got below freezing. Can you believe I never saw snow?

Ksenia: I can not believe how is that possible hahaha. On the other hand I never went to the beach.

Bruno: I cant believe hahaha go to the beach quite often, by the way I am going to Ipanema this weekend.

Ksenia: Please take me with you....

... Well as you could see talking about weather is a good and sometimes an funny way to break the weather with someone else.


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