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The jewish king and ... ( Molana)

ساخت طوماری به نام هر یکی  نقش هر طومار دیگر مسلکی

حکمهای هر یکی نوعی دگر این خلاف آن ز پایان تا به سر

 در یکی راه ریاضت را و جوع رکن توبه کرده و شرط رجوع

در یکی گفته ریاضت سود نیست .......




There was a Jewish king who didn’t like the Christianity to b

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3 Replies

The song of the Reed


نی نامه

بشنو از نی چون حکایت می کند    از جدایی ها شکایت می کند

کز نیستان تا مرا ببریده اند     در نفیرم مرد و زن نالیده اند

سینه خواهم شرحه شرحه از فراق    تا بگویم شرح درد اشتیاق

هر کسی کو دور ماند از اصل خویش     بازجوید روزگار وصل خویش


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8 Replies

" Experience" idioms an old hand at something: کهنه کار بودنth?id=H.5055547071202286&w=205&h=188&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7

have lots of experience

-Mr.Johnson is an old hand at carpentry. green: تازه کار

lack training;experience or conditioning

-David is green, he has just graduated from Medical School. wet behind the ears

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0 Replies

make story


 could you make short line stories by using these idioms .

1. add insult to the injury

2. get up from the wrong side of the bed

3. lend someone an ear

4. make someone's blood boil

5. be at someone's elbow a snail pace down to earth

8. bite off mor

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9 Replies

Egoism (A Short Story)

It's my 3rd story. I put it here for translating and I will be so grateful if you translate it. thanks


        هميشه پشت پنجره به اميد نوایِ ناله‌یِ نیِ چوپانی می‌نشست که گلّه‌هاشو برای چرا می‌آورد توی علفزار روبروی خونه‌شون. صدای زنگوله‌ی گ

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2 Replies

Luck (My Story)

It is another of my stories, please let me put it here to be translated too:

The blue lines are translated, if you translate other parts I will be so grateful to you :)




        پاهايش را در آب فرو برده بود. سردی آب به وجودش آرامش مي‌داد. صندلیِ

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14 Replies

My Story (Favorite Perfume)

!Hello dear translators

I read Sima's discussion about her nice story and it made me interested to add my simple story here to be translated too


عطر دلخواه

        تنها گلدونش رو گذاشت لب پنجره تا خوب نگاهش کنه. آب دادن و تميز کردن برگها همونطورکه ماما

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10 Replies

"Work" idiom


 1. burn the midnight oil: تا بوق سگ مطالعه كردن

 study very late at night

 - Sandy burned the midnight oil last night.

 2. do back-breaking work: كار كمرشكن انجام دادن

 do very difficult physical work

 -He is demanding a back-breaking work from me.

 3. f

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4 Replies

idioms, fixed phrases


An idiom (Latin: idioma) is a rendition of a combination of words that have a figurative* meaning. The figurative meaning is comprehended in regard to a common use of the expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the

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0 Replies

"Friendliness" idioms

 Let's here share idioms which are in friends' relations , behavior ,..


1. have a sunny disposition: خوشرو بودن

    always be pleasant and cheerful

- Karan always has a sunny disposition. cool toward someoneبا ديگران سرد بودن

be unfriendly toward

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10 Replies

idioms of happiness or sadness

Let's be familiar with Idioms which are related to the happiness Or sadness and their meaning in Persian.

1. be in the seventh heaven:تو آسمان هفتم بودن

 be extremely happy

-He received a graduation present. He is in the seventh heaven.

2. be on cloud n

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5 Replies

Songs Translation

I’ve understand that it isn’t so easy to translate conversational sentences from our language to English.

For example songs, when I listen to a Persian (my mother tongue) song, I try to translate them to English, but I see that I am lack of words!


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Molana !



Share us if you know any link,.. about Molana poems in Persian and English!


 Molana & Shams by Farshchian




Listen to this reed how it complains.
it is telling a tale of separations.
Saying, "Ever since I was parted from the reed-bed,
man and woman

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12 Replies

Proverb & idiom

Proverb & idiom

Do you pay attention to EC proverbs and idioms of the day?
What do they mean and say in your language?
For example: in English this proverb (like a piece of cake) says; easy
We say in Persian: like drinking a glass of water.;.....


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20 Replies