Let's study "Mathematics" with each other!

Hi dear friends!

How are you?

Are you interested in "Math"?!


Let's study it together!


Please answer these questions:


1-      If  we have:


1< (2|x|-1)/|x|+1 < 2



Which one is right?


1)      x > 1/2

2)      -2 < x < 2

3)      x < -(1/3) or x > (1/3)

4)      x > 2 or x < -2


       *******       *******       *******       *******       *******


2-      If we have:


1< 4/(3x-2) < 2



Which interval is right about x?


1-      (5/6,1[

2-      [5/6,1)

3-      (5/6, 1)

4-      [5/6,1[

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  • We can inverse the fraction. Also since 1 and 2 are positive numbers , we should change < into >.       [1<2 so 1>1/2] 

    Now we have : 1 > (3x-2)/4 >  1/2

    Multiplication of the condition above by 4 gives: 4> 3x-2 > 2 then  6 > 3x > 4 then  4/3<x<2!

    I think the choices are wrong since x must be larger than 8/6 which says that 5/6 and above it which are less than 8/6 can't be the answer.

    Am I right ?

    I solved it another way, too. The same answer was resulted!




    • Yes!!

      You are right exactly!




    • Thanks dear.


  • First of all, I am really happy to have such an intelligent girl here. Thanks for starting this interesting discussion.


    Second, let me give it a try;


    As for the first question, we can check the choices by finding one number which is in the region mentioned but doesn't satisfy our condition:


    1) x> 1/2 ; we consider 1;  (2|1|-1)/|1|+1 = 1/2 ; thus it won't satisfy the condition, since 1/2 doesn't belong to (1,2).

    So the first choice isn't the answer.

    2) Again we choose 1 and we reject choice 2

    3) Since |-x|=|x| ,and since 1 didn't satisfy the condition; so does -1. If we choose -1 which is less than -1/3, then choice 3 is also false.


    So by giving simple examples, we could reject the false choices. It's a good method to check the answers faster. But if we wanna prove that the choice 4 is right then we have:


    To simplify the term inside the < < we can write this way: 2|x|-1 = 2(|x|+1) -3 . So we can write: (2|x|-1)/|x|+1  =  2 -3/(|x|+1). Now both sides should be subtracted by 2: -1< (-3)/|x|+1 < 0


    Since |x|+1 is never equal to zero, and since it is a positive number, we can multiply all terns by |x|+1 without changing < into > or > into < [Oh, I don't know some of the mathematical terms needed to describe my mean more easily ...Uhhhh]

    OK, so we have : 

    -|x|-1<-3<0  . Since -3<0 is obvious we have : -|x|-1<-3 ; multiplication by -1 gives: |x|+1>3 .So |x|>2 which gives: x>2 or x<-2  CHOICE 4 IS CORRECT


    PS- I think you meant : 1< (2|x|-1)/(|x|+1 )< 2; I also checked it without parentheses, but no choice was correct.



    • W0W!!


      How you are good at math!

      You surprised me!!

      I really impressed by your solution!

      Well done, dear…

      Well done!

    • Thank you dear Sahar. That's so kind of you.


      I really enjoyed THINKING on a math problem after some months of being away from studies; uh, I need to study more, since university classes are about to start !


      Have a nice time




    • What is your major?
    • I am majoring in Electrical Engineering, branch of telecommunications .

      How about you?

    • Nice!

      What do you think?!


      A branch of Math!

    • Hmm, as you look like philosophers, I guess pure mathematics fits you!
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