All Discussions (63)

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We have 2 sandglasses that one of them pours all the sands in 7 minutes and another in 11 minutes. 


How can we cook an egg in 15 minutes by using these 2 sandglasses?

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4 Replies

How Many Birds?!

A group of birds are flying in the sky.A butterfly sees them and asks:How many are you?!The leader of the birds answers:"We and we and half of us, half of our half, if you come with us, we would be 100!!"...Now please you answer!How many are the bird

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7 Replies

Numbers Puzzle

Hello My Smart Friends :)How are you?Do you agree with new puzzles?Ok!Let's see what we have here.Please answer these 3 questions:1- What is the only number whose number of letters in the name equals the number?2- What is the only number which has it

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4 Replies

Hi my Active Friends!

This isn’t a puzzle, but it is about puzzles.

I need the ideas of all of you here.


Please answer these questions:


1- Which kind of puzzle do you like to solve?

2- Why do we try to solve a puzzle?


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