EC birthday

Do you know when EC was born?

- In 1997 . Here it shows that EC is 15 years.

when is its exact birthday date?

Our EC is getting matured. :)

We should have a great day for its new year born. ;)

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  • hey Buddies!

    seems we made mistake in our accounts ,and EC is now 16!

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    • :)

      let me ask it! haha

  • Ask Mr. Essberger, please!
  • I cannot see the pictures! :(

  • Nice idea, Mahgol!

    Please take a look at Birth of EC, too :)


    This is Exhibit 1 in the museum :) This is the computer on which was born, in 1997. It was a Compaq (Presario 5220). In those days of course everything was dial-up, and it took forever to upload photos. Audio hardly existed on the Web, and video even less so, if at all (can't remember).

    Written by Mr. Essberger

    • sahar jan,

      thanks to bring this picture here. let me know if there is any picture of new EC museum,PC, or exhibition!

    • If there is no new picture, seems we should ask Mr.Essberger to share one. ;)

    • dear Gabriel,

      did you post any picture,...? if yes, why I cannot see?

    • Hello, Mahgol!

      First, in my comment, I gave you the exact date ( day/month/year ) that our English Club was created.  Unfortunately, I couldn't see the text after hitting the 'Add Reply' button.

      Thus, I posted a second comment regarding this problem! To my sheer dismay,   I saw the same result again! I think it's advisable to take this matter to our EC Tech Team's attention!

      Well! For your info, I didn't post any picture but only text!

      P.S. Surprisingly, this particular message is visible to my eyes right now after it has been posted! It's weird, isn't it?


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