Video Moderators

Video Moderators can:
tag videos
feature videos
delete videos
delete comments on videos
flag content

Please feature a few of the best videos each week by clicking "Feature" on the video you like. Also, please leave comments on videos regularly (especially for new members who do not have an audience yet). Your encouragement means so much! We encourage you to create "Video Challenges" and add interesting videos that you come across whenever you please!


Please add an appropriate category for each new video that is uploaded to the MyEC video gallery. (Don't tag videos that are garbage.) Some videos will require two tags. Most will only need one. Music videos with subtitles (lyrics) should be categorized as both cat_music and cat_subs. (Most videos with subtitles will have two categories.) Categories are separated by commas. Here are the categories we are using. (Do not erase the tags that members use, but you can clean them up. Multiple-word-tags need hyphens.)

Grammar Videos ["#EC Grammar"]
Vocabulary Videos ["#EC Vocabulary"]
Pronunciation Videos ["#EC Pronunciation"]
EC Videos ["#EC English"]
Music Videos ["#EC Music"]
Videos specifically for teachers ["#EC Teaching English"]
Videos specifically for learners ["#EC Learning English"]
Member Videos ["#EC By EC Members"]
Videos with Subtitles ["#EC With Subtitles"]Funny Videos ["#EC Funny"]
Discussion Videos ["#EC Discussion"]
News and History Videos ["#EC News and History"]
Art and Culture Videos ["#EC Art and Culture"]
Science and Nature Videos ["#EC Science and Nature"]
How To/Tutorials ["#EC How To"]
Self Help Videos ["#EC Self Help"]
Videos related to holidays ["#EC Holidays"]

Please watch for:

Abusive language or content (We don't want to censor for religious or cultural views, but please delete any videos containing porn, profanity, or child abuse. Please do not delete content unless you are sure it should not be posted. Feel free to ask the administrator for a second opinion. You can flag content if you are unsure. This will make it so that other members cannot see it.)

Abuse in comments or comments containing spam (with email addresses)
Please delete.

Note: Please use the private inbox (not the wall or comments) to address concerns with individual members about videos.

Video of the Month
Towards the end of the month (around the 24th) please recommend a video or two for "video of the month". Send a link to the administrator via a private message. The final selection will be decided by the administrator and will be featured in the monthly newsletter.

If you have any questions, please let the administrator know via the "send message" link.

You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments!

Join MyEnglishClub

Email me when people reply –


  • I'll do my best to help run the video gallery! I'll keep in mind the instructions. I'm curious how to flag a content. : )

  • I'll try to do my best here, friends. Thanks a lot for this opportunity, Tara! =)
  • Thanks for everything you did for the video gallery in 2010 M. Adaway! We hope you'll continue to hang out with us in MyEC once your technical problems are fixed. I know you are a busy man and we truly appreciate everything you have done to help this club run smoothly.
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