
  • Love is the biggest theme on earth!

    I always learn to love as an action, not just a feeling. Sometimes when we love someone, we just enjoy them as a lovable person, but ourselves crave for love more than to love.

    I don't think that love just about to enjoy, but love talks about sacrifice and acceptence, and that makes love mature and beautiful. That is what I learned from life. :)
    • Dear Stephen,

      yes, good comment.

      love is feeling and then  it should be "responsible" feeling. responsible for protecting, loving, understanding, etc.


  • more love stories ? unbelievable. love is feeling, love is look like magic, love is blind, love is power, you have love stories ? then don't miss it, let us know it to give more knowledge in the love world....have a nice day

  • my skype name is panggih.amiyoso


  • Dear Panggih Amiyoso,

    What I feel that the word ‘’love‘’ is a blanket term and it is spread all over the world irrespective of all narrow divisions in the globe. The love in relating to ‘’the lovers’’ is very common issue in the society, and most of the people attempt at analysing the word love from the lovers’ point of view. Actually, the love is something universal! The love is divine! The love and the humanity are intertwined, and hence, genuine love is based on the humanity! When no humanity, the love is barren! The real meaning of the love should be discussed within a broad spectrum because the love is the momentum of the life on the earth, or at times in the universe.

    Good Luck!



    • Hi Bimal,

      thanks very much for your statement which can make more complete my knowledge of love.

      as more as we share as more as we get....

      again, thanks a lot.

  • My Thoughts on an Evolved Love
    I believe there is another level of love-an evolved love-that many people are now experiencing. This kind of love can cure war. Through knowledge and psycho-spiritual growth, we can override our basic biological and cultural drives toward jealousy, insecurity, lust, and discrimination. Byunderstanding the natural biological and cultural underpinnings of the dark and light side of love, we can step back and realize how our ‘primal'brain and prevailing culture influences us and then separate those responses from a more higher-functioning and evolved response. That is where evolved love thrives-and we as a collective whole can unite and overcome war. As Blaise Pascal suggested, "The more intelligent a person is, the more originality is found in others. Ordinary people see no difference between men." Evolved love is expansive, not constrictive or jealous, and let's you love someone special while also seeing and loving the "originality" in people worldwide.

     Published on March 12, 2011 by Kimberly Key in Counseling Keys

    • Hi Medea,

      wonderful writing from you, friend. it's very important share.


    • thank you, but it's by Kimberly Key

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    • hi Alexey,

      many people will agree with you, also me. i falled in love several time and i could not control them.

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