how to build your confidence

confidence is not a skill that can be acquired overnight,it is something to build slowly, step by step,. confidence is not a constant, either,. you may lack it generally or you may find certain situations make you react in a less assertive way.1. do you have any weaknesses that make you feel inferior?2. do you respect people because of their appearance?3. do you think self-criticism should be constructive or destructive?why?4. do you think that you are lacking confidence? why do you rely on others to motivate you?5. name something that worried you in you life?

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  • Confidence I think it is went you feel a curse, but you dont stop and you taken again the curse, and you has more confidency of curs you pass and the second time.
  • This topic is really very nice but sometimes it could not be built up if someone or some people kept on putting you down.
  • I think general receive for your comment, all of people sometime have difficulty cause there is no perfect of human.
  • a very thoughtful assessment of confidence...

    the worst thing is i lack in almost all of the above categroies, do i have any chance to make it big? or become a successful person one day?

    1,sometimes i feel so weak that i couldnt even move myself from bed, i just want to lie there and dream and its just the thought of getting rejected which prevents me from doing anything.

    2, why do we get so alert when we approach people who are well clothed and same time dont even care who are not so well dress.

    3, self-criticism when gets confused it destroys inner ability.. the ability to think and act upon it and thats what i have been expericing of late

    4, i self lied a lot but now i accept that i made a fool out of myself by pretending to be confident, i just want to end this habit right now... i just want to be myslf and i want to feel happy about it.

    5, will not be able to persue my dreams, will not be able to marry the one whom i love more than myself, my company will fire me, & a lot....

    do people like me have any hope to correct themselves ?

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