The Country and its People

Hi! I'm Alice and I'm from the Philippines. I want to share my views not only about my country but countries in general.  I believe each country has its own beauty and for me what really makes a country enchanting is the feeling of belongingness.  If we have a place to call our own, a place where we feel truly free and genuinely accepted, a place to connect to our roots, our kin , a place to be proud of because it is a part of our being then that place becomes beautiful no matter what it looks like on the naked eye.  It is our experience of a place, how it evokes emotions, desires, and dreams that uplifts a place from simply something in geography to a memory, a history, a culture , a wonderful reality etched in our hearts.  It is therefore the people making history, growing and living in a country that gives it beauty because without its people who would be proud of the majestic “Agila” or monkey-eating eagle of the Philippines, my country's national symbol without Filipinos like me giving life to its exoticness and treasures?  A country is as beautiful as its people and so to give it justice, when I look for loveliness in a country I look at its people, the faces, the struggles, the joys, the frustrations and the victories they bestow for they are the ones that make a country truly amazing!


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