Pronunciation Challenges!

I'll use this forum as a thread to post pronunciation related challenges every now and then. I would like to see your participation. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions regarding speech SOUNDS, speech sound SYMBOLS or the Phonetic SPELLINGS.  A phonetic spelling or PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION is actually the PRONUNCIATION of a WORD in the form of TEXT. If you know how to read the PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTIONS, you can tell the PRONUNCIATION of ALL THE WORDS listed in the DICTIONARY even without listening to the audio. It's that effective!


Here's the menu from my favourite restaurant. Just kidding! Do you know the food items on the menu below based on their PRONUNCIATIONS? If you do, type out the WRITTEN WORDS! If you don't, try to learn them. It will be useful to you when you want to make an order the next time.


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    The table shows the pronunciations of 20 occupations of people.
    I want you to type out the written word of each pronunciation.




     The above are the PRONUNCIATIONS of some well-known BRAND NAMES. Can you type out the WRITTEN WORDS of those brands? 

    • Well, I have to admit I have never known how to say Thank you, Gabriel and Marija ))

    • You're welcome, Angy! But, it also has some alternative pronunciations. 
      - /haɪˈʌndai/
      - /ˈhjʊndai/
      - /ˈhjʊndei/

    • Oh, hahaha, that sounds much better now. My version is /ˈhjʊndai/... That means I am not that hopeless ))). Thank you, Gabriel )))

    • Lol...! You're welcome, Angy!

    • Hey Gabriel, 

      Marijia has already answered it. Good job Marijia. :D

    • Yes, she's so brilliant! I'm really impressed. 

    • Well, let me try:

      1. Yamaha

      2. Hyundai

      3. Toyota


      5. Rolls Royce

      6. Lamborghini

      7. Peugeot

      8. Volkswagen

      9. Adidas

      10. L'Oreal - I am not sure for this one.

      11. Nestle

      12. Avon

      13.  I don't know

      14. Nike

      15. Always

      16. Gillette


    • Wow...! That's an amazing work, Marija! I'm so glad you took part in this challenge. Thank you!
      No. 13 is Omega ... /ˈəʊmɪɡə/  
      No. 15 is Levis ...... /ˈliːvaɪz/

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