
  • I really miss my childhood miss anything miss my friend in my hometown miss my teacher miss everything that i do in the child if we can create the time machine i will go back to the past in my child hood. I want to say that i really miss all of my friend Oliver, John and some of my close friend. Miss them so much

    • hehe, u must hv enjoyed a wonderful childhood! =)

  • Hi Mickey,

    It is a good topic you have chosen. It is hard for me to miss what I never really had :o)

    I think the innocence of being a child and realising that the world was only as big as your family is what I would miss most.


    • Thx for sharing me your idea. Captain Shane, I hope you enjoy your present and future!


  • No, I do not because I was a lost boy. =(

    How about your brother? Do you miss him? ^_~

    • I didnt follow you, what did you mean by you was a lost boy?

      I love and miss my childhood!

  • i had never a childhood...

    being an adult with a big heart better than any thing.

                   ...child can't deffense him self.

    • Why you had never a childhood?

    • my parents took it from me

    • I am sorry~

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