EC Beasts and Hunters.


Once there was a Beast that lived in a jungle , he used to hunt his prey all day long and will return with his tummy full at night. His preys would include deer , ox, zebra."Nothing tastes as good as my diet" the beast would think.Time works wonders ; The Beast got fed up with his diet and decided to taste something different.Sitting in the ambush all day long, searching for something new, something more tasty , a poor unlucky human caught the sight of his sore eyes, a bit hesitant to hunt a human  for the 1st time, the beast gathered courage, attacked the human and tore him into pieces, ate his fleesh and sucked blood out of the chunks.

This was a total turn arround, "i hv been eating crap for years the real taste is in the human flesh and the human blood" the beast opined.They say; human blood once tasted becomes an addiction, same was the case , the beast incorporated human flesh into his usual diet and not surprisingly became a man-eater ultimately.Now the beast would hunt only humans the other preys would not even catch his interests.

Addiction! addiction! addiction! yes it drives u crazy and its difficult to understand addiction until u hv experienced it.Human flesh and blood became the addiction of the beast.

Bad time comes uninvited;one day while hunting a man , the beast got caught in a bunch of hunters, not difficult to guess what happened next, the hunters went crazy and drained the hell of of the beast.The beast ran around like a chicken and managed to escape somehow."I nearly would have died ,to hell with this human flesh and blood , life is precious." thought the beast.The problem now was the taste, the addiction and the habituation. it won't let the beast to sit on his hands."Lets go back to my previous diet" he tried hunting deer, ox, zebra but their blood and flesh would taste like a pill to him.

Clearly between the devil and the deep blue see, "MY LIFE" or "MY ADDICTION", he foolishly choosed addiction...The beast disguised as a donkey and started hunting humans whenever he  would get any chance.It made one of the hunters suspicious; "the beast is still around but he is in some different skin" that wise hunter thought. Struck by an idea ,The hunter designed an invisible cage and tied a sheep in the middle suspecting that as soon as the beast will attack the sheep , he will cut the ropes to catch the beast, but all in vain. The beast was not interested in a sheep anymore.

He tried with a deer but got no success in that either.All of a sudden he flirted with a mad idea "why don't i risk my own life to catch the best",The hunter stood a lil distance from th cage and made a few cuts on his hands to seek attention of the beast, There is no craziest thing in this world other then addiction,Smelling the hunter's blood the beast became mad and advanced to attack the hunter , very precisely the hunter cut the ropes and the beast was caught in the trap just according to the plans..."yes...i hv caught u finely, u thought u were smart , i am even smarter"said the Hunter. "My Bad, yes addiction can not be cured at once and i was not wise enough to read your mind" was the beast's reply.

Now the beast thinks why did the hunter risked his own life?
just to catch me or the hunter is also a mad addict?


The beast= an EC user

The deer, ox, zebra = chat rooms other then EC

EC = human flesh and blood (addiction)

the hunters= the EC users (spambusters, admins, reporters, etc..)

donkey= same user who after being banned,bullied or cheated, comes up with a new ID

wise hunter = EC user that discloses the disguise

i think u all are wise enough hunters to catch the beasts.....

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