When I was..

I’m holding on your picture and remembering those times when..

When I was a baby of one year old, you were feeding me, cleaning me and I thanked you..

                By crying all night!

When I was almost two years old, you were helping me to walk and I thanked you..

                By escaping from you when you were calling me!

When I was three years old, you were preparing food to me with all your love, and I thanked you..

                By throwing down my dish!

When I was four years old, you were giving me pens and color pens to learn writing and drawing, and I thanked you..

                By writing and drawing on home walls!

When I was five years old, you were wearing me the best clothes you could buy, and I thanked you..

                By feeling ashamed between kids!

When I was seven years old, you gave me a ball to play with, and I thanked you..

                By breaking house windows and furniture!

When I was eight years old, you cooked a cake for me, and I thanked you..

                By making my dress dirty with it!

When I was nine years old, you bought me story books, and I thanked you..

                By ripping them!

When I was eleven years old, you were taking me to the Zoo, and I thanked you..

                By having fun with my friends all time!

When I was thirteen years old, you advised me to not put makeup.. and I thanked you..

                By saying: “You don’t know much about the mode!”

When I was fifteen years old, you asked me about my friends fearing for me and I thanked you..

                By shouting: “It’s not your business!”

Oh my! Why I'm being so mean like this! That’s not me!!

Ok, let’s continue.. But, I don’t want!  You do it if you want.. When I was twenty.. huh! Carry on!

Mt feelings are controlling me and my tears are not stopping from falling down.. I’m going to my mother to ask her to forgive me and to thank her..

                 By kissing and hugging her!



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  • It's really deeply heart touching.you got my tears.I LOVE MY MOM more than anything......

  • @ theresia: You're nicer! :))

  • @ KK: I hope so! If God wanted, I'll do my best! :)

  • @ hekmatullah: Thank you! I think my kids will be stars in their turn! Naughtier then me! :DD

  • @ Wayne: Thank you for completing it! Hello and welcome to my crazy world! :D

  • @Syubidupapap: Yes, sure! ;))

  • @Expector: Thanks for reading it! ;)

  • Dear Camelia

                  Its really meaningful and heart touching. i will aspect more and more from you as like as this one. I am sure you will post very soon.

    Thank you


  • When i was sixteen years old,you told me to save money for myself and i thanked u..

    By wasting all the money on bet,and said "this is my own money.

    When i was seven years old,tired of working in the same company,and u suggested me to calm down and sticking to it longer,and i thanked u..

    By escaping from working and asked for more money from u.

    When i was eighteen years old,i was working in far place from u,and u gave me a regular call one day,then i thanked u....

    By hanging up the cell phone and complained that you have killed most of my time.


    And now,I am twenty years old,and want to thank u for everything that u have been done for me.

  • Soon, it will be mother's day in Indonesia which is going to happen on 22 Dec. It will be nice to have it as a reminder to always be thankful for what our mother have done.

    Btw, may I have your permission to post this on my own blog? I will put the credit and will linked my blog to this one. Hope you would say "Yes" :p.

    Thanks in advance.

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