Tips on writing blogs

In order to write a good blog, you really need to:

1. know why you want to write one. You may want to express your feelings, thoughts or opinions about something. Or you may have a good idea, a short story or some information to share. Or you just want to write a blog for yourself.

2. make sure your writing is legible/readable. No one really likes reading anything more complicated/time consuming or full of mistakes. Make your blogs succinct/concise - using simplified sentences in short paragraphs. Pay attention to your spelling and grammar.

3. proofread and edit your blogs before you publish them. You should correct the obvious mistakes. If necessary, rewrite/regroup some of the sentences to let them make sense. And, last but not least, don't forget 'paragraph coherence'.

Good luck in writing!

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  • Thanks once more, Mr.Bob!

    So, a "corrections" tag can be a good idea.  It seems most of the members here hope somebody can correct the mistakes in their blogs. But it can be so boring for someone to correct all of the mistakes. It's possible for them to help you correct one or two main mistakes at a time, though.

    BTW, please let me know if I seem to keep using some wrong or inappropriate expressions - I'd appreciate it!

  • Oh, I didn't see your typo, I swear.  I was just adding a comment to be sure those who followed the link to this blog learned about the edit feature.  I truly do miss things myself, and one time I did lose a blog I was about to publish when I copied and then deleted the text.  Suddenly, there was a problem and all my work was lost.  Sorry to hear about your lost blog.

    I used to advise the members I was working with to write the blog in their word processor and verify the content with spell checking before pasting it into the new blog.  Most of my problems would be avoided if I did this myself.  : )

    I don't always follow my own advice and usually write a blog in three to five minutes when the urge suddenly hits me.  Because it is spontaneous I don't use the word processor and also fail to always structure it the way I would if I planned it.  I just open up my mind and words flow out as a stream of consciousness (not the best format, but sometimes I can't wait to get the thoughts on paper).

  • My thanks also to rasmy and Fahime!

  • Hi Mr. Bob,

    Thanks so much for the comment! That's really one of the perfect comments I've ever read. Yes, proofreading and correcting any mistakes we might have made can really make a difference. I just edited this blog and corrected this mistake "informaiton" - it's obvious I failed to correct the mistake when I first proofread this blog. But sometimes we may still leave some mistakes out in a blog even though we have proofread it several times - totally unware of it until one day we notice it! And, don't forget to republish the blog you just edited - I once lost a blog because I failed to republish it.

    Thanks again! I really appreicate it!

  • Another awesome blog, thx 4 ur helpful info...


  • Thanks for your information

  • I would like to add to this one thing about proofreading.  You will probably have a mistake or two that gets into your finished blog. Many of these can be found when you select the PREVIEW OPTION.

    But, you still may miss something and discover it later.  That is why we have the EDIT BLOGS feature.  You should try this and go back to clean up any problems you have found in your blog.  As you improve your English you will be able to reread old blogs and see mistakes.  Fix those so that others can read your blog without the mistakes.

    This also applies to comments.  If I see a mistake in this comment after I publish it I can use copy and paste to correct it.  First, I will copy the text of the comment.  Then I will delete it.  then I will paste the text back into a new comment and correct the mistake.  so we really don't have to leave our mistakes out for all to see.

    We all make mistakes in life and our blogs. The good thing about blogs is that we don't have to live with those mistakes, we can correct them.

  • Nadiyah, glad to know you found it useful. I hope to see more blogs from learners here.
  • thanks for your tips, it's a great information!

  • Hi Fizzy,
    Do you sometimes feel it hard to write something? You are not alone - many people do. Writing really takes time and pain and can be boring. But, with more practice, things would improve. The more you write, the more confident you feel. And, don't fear others may not enjoy your writing. Usually, others want to know your thoughts, opinion or feelings about something. Just feel free to write. Good luck!
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