Mother's Day I'm afraid, Mother's Day, from when I was younger, because I was born not long my mother had been thrown away.Every year Mother's Day, I felt afraid. Before and after my holiday, television usually only play the songs in praise of mother love. Radio, too, have biscuits advertising matter, then tried to insert songs praising motherhood, but for me, every song again suggests sadness.I shall be one full month abandoned train station in Hsinchu. The doctor in Fort police station next to me grabbed worries. The man she found a nursing mothers, the price that can not find her, I have cried to the extent not sick. Suck it up for me and then sleep, the police this new doctor gently holding me to nurture young centers in rural Thailand Germany Baoshan District Hsinchu (Taiwan). I was given for three or laugh at it.I had never met my mother, my childhood is the only known breeding records I grew. Each night, as he sat studying her sisters, what do I have four ball grab the file. They read in the synagogue at the ceremony, also to follow me. At ceremonies get under our desks and play, have to face demons at the primary threat is the ceremony, most often based on a file that I somehow fall asleep, and she was so nice not to wait preliminary ceremony is finished, I quietly closing about to go upstairs to bed. All I could think of is her primary love me because I had an excuse to help them escape from the ceremony early.Kids like me are all children of families who are not lucky, but most of them are still family. TET, uncles are all welcome to them, its just a me, my family, my house did not know where.Hence, the nuns treated like children abandoned me very well, they never let anyone bully me. I learned well, the file is still more people to volunteer teaching me more.Press knuckles, many people have done for my tutor, are graduate students, even school teachers Tsinghua University, Traffic around the area, including the architect, so I'm also very small good at English.The nuns forced me to study now, in fourth grade I played organ in church. I joined the contest of eloquence, is to represent students of the school, but from the little I do not want to participate in any programs that celebrate Mother's Day.I love now, but I have to play the songs rider for me. Sometimes I think, his mother is? I read novels, I guess I was a wild child. My father then abandoned fun bored mother, and my mother too young to know just carry me away discarded.I park on level three in Hsinchu, and then to college, I parked Science Building Success University (Taiwan).Time student, I am learning by doing. Sometimes Ms. Sun, who adopted my big sister also visited me. The rude boy's roommate saw her I just try to be courteous gentleman. Many friends after learning the story of my life are comforting, said that by raising the profile of her, my new elegant, no interference and Giang as well now. On graduation, friends who are also parents to celebrate. I have only a relative whom she is the only Sun, dean, so to take pictures with her.When I go duty soldiers, I enlist the center of Germany visited Finland. This time she suddenly became Sun suddenly serious, she called me out, get an envelope from the drawer, told me to see what's inside.In the envelope with two tickets. Ms. Sun to tell me, holding me to the police, in my shirt tucked two tickets for this train. Apparently my mother has used this two tickets to travel from home to the Hsinchu station, a ticket is going from south to Pingtung, train tickets remaining from Pingtung to Hsinchu. It is a train ticket market, I suddenly realized my mother was a poor woman.Ms. Sun to tell me, the three detectors usually do not like going to ask to find out about family circumstances that babies discarded, so they kept two tickets to this big I'll never wait for calculation. They have observed a long time I finally concluded I was the reason, there was sufficient capacity to handle this. They had walked through the town then, that there is very little, if I want to find honest ones, will probably not difficult.I always dreamed of having my parents once, but now holding two tickets, I hesitated. Now I live very well, have a university degree, she has a lover considering coming hundred years, why should I go backward to the past, go past looking for a complete stranger? In addition to the eight is nine parts will not be a true fun.Ms. Sun has inspired me back. She said I had a money map brighter, perhaps not so mysterious about how my life became a dark shadow over the soul. She told me to prepare for the worst situation, whether found out what the truth is bad, should also hold faith in myself forward in life.And I've hit the road.It is a tiny town on the mountains, I never heard the name. From Pingtung cars have sat for over an hour arrive. Whether because of the South but is winter here and cold. The town proper is very small, only one way plastic, a pair of grocery store, a police station, an office of township government, a primary school, a middle school in addition, nothing again.I ran off to running back and forth between police stations and government offices. Eventually found two seem related information, a database is an infant, a family is the information reported missing son, is missing time on Monday after I abandoned , a child is born a month earlier. According to records of the file, as I discovered at Hsinchu Station, I was just about full month old. See the information here seems to be about me.The problem is that my dad was dead, my father died six years ago, my mother died a few months ago. I have a brother, he abandoned the town, do not know where to go.Anyway is a small town, everyone knew each other. A police station told me, my mother made in the primary school staff, then he led me to meet the principal.Principal is a woman of great enthusiasm. She said, just as my mother had served long years in school, a woman is very nice, also my father is extremely lazy. All the men in town are out looking for work, my dad did not go far, just around town as hire date, but small towns that get us into the hire, so the father for life I just stick to eating my mother money odd job worker. Because not work, cheerless mood, he spent borrow sorrow alcohol solution, say it is time to beat my mother, I beat him. The province is also regretted wine there, but bad habits get used to it, my mother and my brother because of his miserable life. My brother was angry at seventh grade even away from home, then never come back here.This woman obviously has to take second son, was a month old but already missing the mystery.Mrs. Rector asked me everything I love the endless. When she knew I was growing up in an orphanage in the North, she suddenly moved from an envelope drawer. This is the envelope she found after my mother died, my mother hid under the pillow. She said things which must surely mean a very important, so she decided to hold back, waiting for my mother's relatives to receive.I trembled open, found inside a lot of train tickets, each file a return train ticket from this southern town to Hsinchu, all to be kept carefully.She told me the principal and half years my mother would leave the North to visit relatives, no one knows what they found, only to see her happy every time. Later in life my mother Buddhists, this is the happiest she has raised the Buddhists are a million Taiwan dollar donated to the orphanage to the Christians. On the money given to her personally as well.I recall, there was a big bus to a credit union improve female male from the South to the orphanage. They were given checks worth one million Taiwan dollar, to donate to our center Germany Finland. The preliminary touched her deeply, thanked all the orphaned children to stand on photographic memories, I am brushing basketball also called on people taking a photograph. Now I suddenly find that picture in the envelope of the mother. I ask any mother who I was, they just stand in the way I am not far away.But as I moved over a commemorative book on my graduating class, have a photocopy pages are saved in this envelope. That hat shirt sites we graduated, I have pictures in it.My mother, my mother had thrown away, was still visiting me, she even had to attend my graduation ceremony.Principal gentle voice: "You should thank his mother, threw him, he is to live a better life. If I'm still here, at best he is very popular over the city hired , where most are very few people in high school. But if unfortunately, does not bear the lash of the whip's father, knew where he was soon promoted adventure away from home as her brother, gone forever cha know wandering way anymore. "Other teachers in school as well, everything I have to congratulate graduates Nations established. They say this town far from old students who never pass the exam is to establish the National University.I suddenly brimming, I asked her principal here do not have guitar. She said, with the piano but not so well, just hold the new civil defense purchase.I opened the piano lid, sesame I overlooking the winter sun outside my window, I played her a gift in the Mother's festival. I want people to know that although I was an orphan growing up in orphanages, but I'm not an orphan, because I have raised her profile so nice I like her, because I have a mother tongue out I always love me. She and her determination to sacrifice my environment growing up, I have the money to map bright.The teachers in my school to sing along. Danish spread in the air, in cold mountain town, in the afternoon sun. The residents in the town will certainly be surprised to ask, why has today praised the mother tone?As for me today is Mother's Day. The envelope containing the ticket to me from this old ship today is no longer an orphan Mother's Day scared anymore.
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  • Amazing story! Also, a beautiful ending. I wish you still visited EnglishClub. I want to read some more.
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