Expensive fuel and students

Dear readers,

You know Indonesia has done a big business.It's a president election and Mr JokoWidodo is choose  for 5 next years era. As a good citizen I like him and who ever He is.  the important thing is He or she can lead this country and can manage the country and also his or her people. To Mr Joko Widodo we hope he is able to do successfully. Unfortunately, on the first month his government, the big problems appear,such as a fuel price. The people think the price of thing is very high.They cannot buy it, so to solve this problem they do demonstration around this country. The effect of this action ( raising the fuel price ) the drivers of public buses do prohibiting  driving. They want to raise or improve the bus fee. Because no  decision from the government how much will be raised, so they do the best way. It is stop driving.Can you imagine, no permission for public transportation to do their job ? All buses are stop.No activity. You know the big problem occurs in this country. The students, teachers, workers , can not go home , or they walk home. Can you imagine for people who live far from their home ?  What a pity.  We do not refuse who the president is, but we want to do the best thing.Actually  the president will do  better way. He  will rub the substitution of fuel and move to other sections, such as for poor people, healthy ,and education point . He will do this aids by using cards for all sections ( healthy card, poor cards, and education card ) .As  good citizen I just hope He will do this in reality. He keeps  his program and promise. I always pray for this activity and he does  his best. 

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  • Hello ERNA E ADRIL

    I hope that  the government will do the best to solve all your problems

    there is no thing we can do except praying .  

  • Good luck to Indonesia and all Indonesians. Over here, the Malaysian Government will stop the subsidy of petrol from December 1, 2014, and thus the petrol price will be floated based on the market price. We are not sure how this will impact the people in general, but the sure thing will happen is that the cost of living will be high.

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