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  • Watch movies and TV shows and serial.  Who doesn't want to. So learn with fun.

    But at the same time make a habit of reading, too.

  • Hey there! If you are a beginner and want to start with something easy, you can start with the listening activities here, and I can also recommend a site called Dave's ESL cafe
    If you are more advanced you can find videos on Youtube. I usually look up for things that I like, for instance, interviews with artists I follow, easy recipes, the news or BBC programs. Also, I Google for podcasts of interesting things, such as education, science and such. 
    (Professionals on TV and radio usually use a clearer accent)
    You can actually look up for podcast for ESL learners :) make it fun!

    Oh! A good tip to focus on your learning is to pay attention to details. Before listening you can set some questions to answer once you finish listening ("what are they talking about, who is the protagonist, where are they talking, etc). Or you can listen twice the same audio: the first time just for fun and the second to pay attention to details.

  • There are two really good ways to improve your listening skills:

    1. Talk with someone in English. Here in MyEC you can find some groups, where users share their Skype ids. Or other apps and sites, for example: Google hangouts and

    2. Watch the movies with English language (if it is difficult at the start, you can watch with subtitles). Or listen to some radios. Or audiobooks.

    Good luck in your improving!

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